"Remember lady Titans we have a game against the Bobcats tomorrow, our long time rivals. When we play them I don't want to see you stooping down to their level. That is not how you play rugby. So today's practice is important. We gotta sharpen our skill and make sure we keep that rugby sportsmanship we all love," Coach said after she communed with her designated yelling/forwards coach, "Lets split. Backs with me, forwards with coach Rico."

The team split in two, half of them following Coach Susan the rest following Coach Rico. But Y/N stood in the middle of both groups not sure where to go.

"What? Ya lost newbie? Get over here, you're obviously a forward," Coach Rico said as he waved her over.

Y/N jogged over and joined the group of forwards. The coach was explaining a drill that Y/N didn't quite understand. As the coach wrapped up his speech the girls assumed their positions. Again Y/N stood unaware of what she was supposed to do, until Dinah dragged her over in front of her.

"You're a lifter, back lifter to be specific. I'll be front lifter, usually it'd be flipped because I'm taller. But back lifting is easier since there's more to hold. When the jumper yells up you cup her under her butt cheeks and lift her as high as you can so she can get the ball. I'll be in the front helping. Got it?"

Y/N shook her head, causing Dinah to smirk, "You'll get the hang of it. It's not that hard."

Everyone assumed their positions as the jumper went through her unofficial script.

"Ready, ready? Up!"

On her cue, Dinah lifted as she's done for years. Y/N on the other hand had a hard time keeping both her hands under the jumper's cheeks, she was slightly distracted by Dinah; trying to emulate her lifts by watching the captain. But it caused the jumper to fall back on Y/N resulting in pained groans from each girl. Dinah couldn't help but laugh at the two on the ground. She helped them both up and brushed them off.

The jumper turned to Y/N, "Maybe next time make sure your hands were as focused on my ass as your eyes were on Dinah."

Dinah smirked as she crossed her arms, "You were staring at me?"

Y/N scoffed, "Even if I was, it was only to see how to properly lift."

"You ain't gonna get much help from her, the only thing front lifting and back lifting have in common are that you lift. Other than that, it all goes to shit, because she's lifting lower and smaller targets and you've got these beauties to caress," the jumper said as she smacked her own ass.

"Shut up Mani," Dinah said with a laugh, "Get back in position we're trying again."

"Fine," Normani whined as she rolled her eyes and got back in her jumping stance, "Ready, ready? Up!"

Again, Dinah flawlessly lifted the older girl. And this time Y/N was able to keep both her hands cupped under the other girl's cheeks but didn't step into the lift causing said booty cheeks to slip out of her hands. In turn causing Normani to fall back onto her.

Dinah helped the two back up and they tried again. And again. And again. And again, until the end of practice. Each try ended up with 1, 2, or all of them on the ground.

Y/N groaned as the dark skinned girl hopped off of her once again. "Dinah, train her more before she starts trying to lift again," she said as she began to follow the rest of the girls packing up their stuff.

Y/N stayed on the ground as she covered her face with her hands and groaned in annoyance.

"Get up."

Y/N looked up at the figure above her. Dinah had a smirk on her face as she offered Y/N a hand up. The younger girl took her hand and was pulled up, "I can't do this Dinah."

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