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"Get up," he said throwing her back pack to her, "You can start going to school again."

"But there's still some bruises," she argued.

"Tell them that dyke did it when you rejected her, they'll believe you?" He scoffed, "If I hear anything other then that you'll be sorry."

Y/N nodded her head as she left the house for the first time in weeks. She took a deep breath of fresh air as she entered her car and rolled down her windows.

She rolled up to school and immediately spotted both Nela and Dinah on either sides of the school campus.

"The moment you step foot on campus you find that little boyfriend of yours and make sure everyone knows he's yours," he demanded, "Make sure everytime that lesbian sees you two together you kiss him. I don't need any trace of gay left on you."

"Please, she's a good person. Don't make me do it," Y/N pleaded.

He gripped her chin roughly, forcing her to look up, "You'll do as I say or there will be more than bruises and that little girlfriend of yours will have something coming for her too."

Y/N shook her head, trying to forget the last two weeks. But she knew she had to follow her father's instructions because he was a man of his word and she didn't want anything to happen to Dinah.

She exited her car gaining the attention from both Nela & Dinah. Dinah smiled excitedly as she waved at Y/N.

Y/N gave a small, sad smile as she turned towards Nela, "Dinah please forgive me," she mumbled to herself as she walked over to him with her head hung in shame.

Dinah frowned, not knowing why Y/N didn't come over to say hi, but soon saw her destination was Nela.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed as she approached him, "Where have you been?"

She shrugged, "Here and there," she said with a smirk.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Dinah looking her direction. She took a sad, shaky breath as she knew what was coming up next. She pulled him down to her and attached their lips in a heated faux kiss, catching most everyone by surprise.

Dinah was certainly shocked at the gesture, nearly vomiting in her mouth. Y/N had the same reaction when Nela shoved his tongue down her throat.

"What was that for," he asked with a smirk as he held onto her waist.

She shrugged again, "I missed you."

"Maybe you should go missing more often," he said with a smirk.

She gave a small smile as she linked hands with him, "Maybe," she said with a quick glance back to a confused and distraught looking Dinah.

Y/N had to quickly glance away as a single tear ran down her face.

"Wanna ditch and go have some fun," he offered.

"You know, I've missed a lot of school already. I think I'll pass," she said slowly pulling her hand from his.

"You're no fun," he said with a smirk, "I'll see you after class.".

She gave a fake smile as she pulled him down for a kiss. He held her sides and slipped his tongue in once again.

She cringed as they separated, "See ya."

He slapped her ass as they parted ways making her tense up as she thought to herself, Why me?

She started walking to class before she felt someone grab her hand, gently. She turned to the person and nearly started crying, "Dinah..."

The Polynesian put a single finger to her lips to implement silence as she lead the younger girl to the library. She ushered her to a rarely used part to insure their solitude.

"Dinah I-I-I can explain," Y/N started but was interrupted with a hug.

"Are you ok? Where have you been?" Dinah asked.

Y/N looked at her quizzically.

"I don't care about what I just saw. Just tell me if you're ok. I've been worried. I went by your house so many times," Dinah said as she inspected Y/N for injuries.

Y/N remembered hearing Dinah outside her home. Her hand brushed over Y/N's abdomen earning a harsh suck in of air from the injured girl. Dinah quirked up an eyebrow as she began to raise up Y/N's shirt. Beneath the fabric was a rather large, yet fading, bruise.

Dinah gasped, "What happened," she said as she let her fingers linger over the bruise, "Was it because of the kiss?"

Y/N started to tear up, all she wanted to do was embrace Dinah but she remembered her father's threat to the older girl if she didn't comply with his conditions.

"Dinah I can't do this with you," she said removing her fingertips from her abdomen.

"I just want to know if you're alright," Dinah pouted.

"Well I need you to stop," she snapped, "Whatever the hell it is we were needs to end."

"I know this is just you're dad speaking," Dinah said desperately, "We can be more careful next time, don't do something you'll regret."

"Dinah what are you talking about?! One minute you hate the fact that we need to hide, the next you're willing to even be more secretive?! No, and besides you deserve someone who actually cares about you," she replied trying to push Dinah away.

"What do you mean?" she said dropping her hands.

"I just don't like you Dinah," Y/N said starting to construct her lie to make Dinah hate her enough to stay away, "I was using you. I... I n-n-never liked you. I knew I could get you attached, the plan all along was to get to Nela because everyone knows he wants whatever you have. And if you had me, then... Then he'd want me too."

"No," Dinah said as she shook her head, "I know what you're trying to do and it's not gonna work. You kissed me in public, you showed me you care about what I think and wanted. I'm willing to be a secret if that's what you want. You've got me hooked and I'm not letting go."

"Exactly! You took the bait Dinah! But I'm not reeling in, I'm cutting the line. I'm telling you Dinah, I'm done. I can't keep doing this. I got what I wanted and I thought I'd be nice and just string you along, but I can't do it anymore," Y/N lied trying to make it seem not so obvious.

"I know you're lying," she said as she caressed her face, "Please Y/N I promise he won't hurt you again," she said as she rested her forehead & nose against Y/N's.

But he will hurt you, she thought to herself.

Both girls shut their eyes and took in a deep breath, but Dinah's was calm while Y/N's was nervous & shaky. A few tears rolled down the younger girls cheek.

"Dinah please," she cried out, "Please don't make this harder than it has to be."

"I'm not leaving you so that he can hurt you again," Dinah insisted. 

Y/N tore herself away from the Tongan, "Then leave because I hate you! I hate you and I never wanna see your dyke self again. I don't want you near me! I don't wanna see you at my house! Just stay the fuck away from me Dinah, why can't you understand that?!"

Dinah looked at her hurt because this time she could tell Y/N meant what she said. And she did, Y/N didn't want Dinah around her anymore but not because she hated her (that was the one lie in her argument) but she didn't want to see Dinah anymore that was the truth because if she saw Dinah that meant there would always be a possibility that her dad would get to her. And Y/N would not be able to live with herself if her dad hurt Dinah.

"Dinah please, I tried to be nice. If you ever cared about me just, please, leave me alone," Y/N said as she grabbed her things and marched out of the library leaving Dinah stunned. On her way out she wasn't able to contain her tears.

When confronted with Dinah she was able to control them for the most part, but now that she was truly alone she broke down. Once in the hallway she threw her backpack against the lockers and sunk to the floor as she buried her face in her hands and bawled for most of first period.

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