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"Can I ask you something?" Y/N asked as she picked at her food.

"Yeah, sure."

"Why does Dinah hate you so much? Was your breakup that bad?" She asked.

"Uhhh- yeah I guess. We had a pretty bad fight before it happened," he replied.

"What about?"

He raised an eyebrow, "You mean she didn't show you the picture?"

"What picture?"

"Oh, er um nothing. No picture. What exactly did she tell you? You know Dinah tends to over exaggerate things," he said.

"Well her reaction may have been a little over exaggerated but all she really told me about the breakup was that she was cheated on."

"I didn't cheat on her, per say, but it did involve another girl," he half lied half confessed, "We both just got really angry that night."

"That's it?"

"That's it. It was at the beach actually. So she really shouldn't have been that mad. She loves that place," he pointed out.

"Yeah, she does," Y/N remembered, "Do you mind telling me which beach you were at?"


"Really? That makes more sense," she replied.

He cocked his head in questioning.

"She never likes going there. When I was on the team she'd literally want to go to every beach but Laguna. Of course sometimes she'd make an exception, I heard her and Bree went to Laguna sometimes. Only on special occasions tho," she answered.

"What kind of special occasions can happen in the 2 or 3 weeks you were on the team," he said with a laugh.

She smirked, "I'll have you know I was on the team for a good month and a half before I quit."


"I was!"

"Yeah, I totally I believe you," he teased.

"Shut up. I was there long enough to know they also went if they just wanted to talk about something serious."

"Again, what could happen in a month that's so serious?"

She pondered on her short lived rendezvous with Dinah and smiled to herself, "Probably a new love interest."

He scoffed, "I don't know who'd want to date Dinah. She's damaged goods and comes with lots of baggage."

"Why would you say that," Y/N said getting angry, "Dinah's a great person just because your relationship didn't end well doesn't mean she's a terrible human being."

"Woah, woah, woah, who are you on a date with? Me or her," he said.

"I'm not gay," she lied, "But Dinah was my friend before we were even a thing. So I'm not gonna let you continually bad mouth her," she sneered.

She got up from her seat and started to walk out. From the reflection of the restaurant windows she could see Nela fuming from his seat. His hands were clenched, knuckles turning white, as he grimaced menacingly.

Y/N rolled her eyes as she called herself a lyft, which appeared in record time.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"Laguna beach," she answered as she texted Dinah.

Y/N: I need to talk to you. Meet me at Laguna in 15 minutes, please...
sent: 7:27pm

A/N: I have a rugby tournament this weekend and thought, why not update again. I mean this story is about rugby, and it's a short filler.

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