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"What's wrong babe?" Nela asked at lunch the next day when he noticed Y/N rubbing her shoulders and arms.

"Dinah had us practice this thing called rucking yesterday and she matched me up with the biggest girl so I'm sore as fuck," Y/N explained.

"Tell me again why you rejoined the team?"

"I made a deal with coach Susan," she answered.

"Oh, you better watch out for Coach Susan. I heard she just as much a dyke as that team is," he retorted.

"What?! Coach Susan has a husband, daughter, and a son. She's straighter than straight. And there's only one gay person on the team, Dinah," Y/N replied.

Nela scoffed,"Do you honestly believe that? The girls rugby team is known for being a jolly band of lesbians."

"Since when?"

"Babe, since like, forever. The only straight ones are you, the girl who plays your hooker, Ally I think her name is, Briannah, and Normani. Normani might not even be straight, she's just currently dating a guy," he explained.

"Shit, really?" She questioned.

"Yeah," he confirmed, "I swear they've all dated each other at one point."

"Hmmm, curiouser and curiouser."

"Any who, want me to talk to Dinah? Make her lay off on you?"

Y/N quirked her eyebrow, "And what makes you think she'd listen to you?"

He smirked as he leaned in and connected their lips, catching her off guard.

He separated slightly as he let his hand rest on her inner thigh, "I can be very persuasive," he said lowly against her lips as he traced shapes against her thigh.

Y/N whimpered at the feeling, but not because it felt good, but because she was disgusted & scared.

He connected their lips once again as she placed her hand on his, pushing him off her thigh. It wasn't until his tongue pried open her lips and forced it's way into her mouth did she pull away.

"I-I-I've gotta go to class," she lied.

"But there's still 15 minutes left of lunch," he pointed out.

She nodded in acknowledgement, "Yeah but I left my project at home, so I'm gonna go get it."

"Ok," he said skeptically, "See you later."

With a wave, Y/N rushed out of the lunch room, heart nearly beating out of her chest from such anxiety. She started to run to her car but bumped into someone on the way.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I di- oh. It's you..." Dinah said as she picked up her things.

Y/N's breathing grew harder, seeing Dinah wasn't making her any calmer.

"Are you ok?"

Y/N shut her eyes tightly as she began to take deep breaths to calm down. Dinah placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder, "What's wrong?"

Flinching at the initial contact, Y/N opened her eyes and shrugged her hand off.

She took one last breath before she said, "I'm fine. What are you doing out here in the hall way?"

"I went home to check on Seth, I just got back," she answered.

Got damn, her voice is so soothing, Y/N thought to herself as she fully calmed down, "How is he anyway? Your parents still working lates?" she asked.

"He's doing better, my parents have been home more."

"How are they paying for the bill than?"

"That's nice of your business," Dinah scoffed.

Y/N put her hands up in surrender, "Sorry, sorry."

Dinah rolled her eyes, "If you must know, someone paid off the bill."

The younger girl smiled to herself, "That's good."

"Yeah, it is," Dinah started, "So what was wrong with you?"

She cocked her head in question.

"You know, when you came out here all frazzled," she detailed.

"Oh tha-" Y/N started until he wrapped his arm around her waist.

Dinah's face contorted.

"Hey babe, back already," Nela said as he let his hand wander.

"Yeah I found the project in my car so I didn't have to go anywhere," she answered uneasily.

"Is the dyke messing with you?" He sneered as he glared at Dinah.

She glared back at him, "I'll kick your ass Nela, don't try me. I'm much stronger now."

He smirked, "We'll see."

Dinah lunged for the no neck ass hole, but not before Y/N put herself in between the two. She pushed Dinah up against the lockers, "Don't do this Dinah. He's not worth it. Just leave," she whispered cautiously.

The Polynesian shrugged Y/N off of her as she mean mugged Nela, "Have fun with shrimp dick."

This time it was Nela's turn to lunge forward and once again Y/N was there to stop the advance. She turned slightly to shoo Dinah off. But Nela still tried going after her. Without thinking she attached their lips in a saucy kiss, effectively distracting the football captain.

"Babe, babe look at me. She's gone, just focus on me ok," Y/N said trying to calm him down, "Just keep all eyes on me."

He nodded as he snuffed his nose, "Yeah ok. I'm good, I'm good. Let's get to class."

He wrapped his left arm around her waist and she wrapped her right arm around his.

"I don't have a shrimp dick," he mumbled.

"I'm sure she was just trying to get you angry babe," Y/N said, not really paying attention to him.

"But like seriously tho, let me show you," he said with a playful smirk.

Y/N's eyes widened, in shock, but she couldn't let him know that.

She gave a fake laugh, "Let's just get to class yeah?"

He rolled his eyes as they continued to walk to class.

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