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"Want a ride to school?" Y/N managed to ask after the exhausting morning run.

"Why not, I just have to go get changed," Dinah answered.

"Why? You look fine."

Dinah stood with her mouth agape, "I look like a pile of shit, and I smell even worse."

Y/N rolled her eyes, "But we're gonna be laaattteee," she whined.

Dinah shrugged as she ran to her room so as to shower and change. Y/N sighed in frustration as she sat down on the couch. As she waited for Dinah a girl in her preteens approached.

"Are you Y/N?" The girl asked.


"I'm Kamila, Dinah's younger sister. Can I tell you something?"

Y/N sat up straight as she studied the middle schooler in front of her, "Sure."

"My sister acts tough, and it's easy to believe her since she's captain of the rugby team, but she's fragile. More than she likes to admit. She likes you a lot, well more like she hates you. But not-" she said struggling to find words, "She likes you as much as she hates you. I don't know, does that make sense? Whatever, any way, I feel like you should know that that level is through the roof. I've never seen her despise someone or like them them this much so prematurely."

"Why are you telling me how much your sister hates me?"

"Ok, that's not what I was trying to get at. Let me focus on how much she likes you. Like I said, I've never seen her like someone so much this prematurely. I don't know if she ever plans on telling you, but if she does... Don't lead her on if you don't intend to start anything. She's not the perfect big sister, but technically she's the only one I got, and I love her. She doesn't deserve another heart break, not like the ones before."

"Well don't make it sound so serious," Y/N said with a small chuckle, "It was just a break up."

Kamila sat in silence as she shook her head slowly, causing a growing concern in Y/N, "It was just a break up wasn't it?"

"It was so much more," Kamila said in a barely audible tone.

"What happened?"

"Dinah is a generally happy person, seeing her doing anything but smile and laugh is rare. But when it happens, it's intense. When Dinah's mad it's scary, when she's sad it's heart wrenching. But when she's both, it's a sight I hate seeing. It's only happened 3 times, twice after her most recent break ups, and once when we were much younger after our cousin died. I pray the number of times will never grow," she expressed with a sigh, "She becomes depressed and stays in our room for weeks on end. No food and very little water. Her cheeks hollow and her ribs become visible and somehow she cries indefinitely. In the same time, she screams at nothing when she thinks no one's home. She hurts herself in many different ways. Once she tried ending it all..."

Y/N gasped at this revelation. Everything she's ever heard of Dinah or anything she's ever learned or observed would never lead to the belief that the Tongan rugby star was ever suicidal.

"It was after Nela broke up with her, but before she started dating Camila. I found her in our room. She was on the floor, barely breathing. To this day I don't know the method she attempted, but I do know it was the most terrifying day for this household. We don't need another one like it, neither does Dinah," she explained.

Y/N sighed as she ran a hand through her hair, "Well you don't have to worry about me, I'm straight so..."

"Really?! That's a relief!" Kamila exclaimed, "Also a bummer, you would've definitely been Dinah's best looking lover," she teased.

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