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"Hey Dinah," he said running up to her in the halls.

She stiffened, as was her natural reaction to hearing him. She had to turn around to make sure her ears weren't playing tricks on her.


"Yeah, hey, have you seen Y/N?" He asked.

Her eyebrows crinkled in concern, "I saw her 2 weeks ago, why?"

"Well I haven't seen her in awhile. Hasn't been to school, haven't seen her out and about, and when I go to her house no one answers the door," he told her.

"Well that's just not like Y/N," she mumbled to herself.

"What?" He asked.

"Y/N would never intentionally miss that much school. Something's gotta be wrong," she told him.

"Really? I thought she would be one to skip school," he replied.

Dinah rolled her eyes, "Shows how much you actually know about her. Come on we're going to see what happened," she said as she took his hand and dragged him off school campus.

Her concern for Y/N was far greater than her fear of Nela.

"Where are we going?" He asked as Dinah dragged him along.

"To find your fucking girlfriend," she replied.

He smirked, "You know she's technically not my girlfriend yet," he said as he pulled Dinah in closer to him, "I've missed you DJ. Until today I thought you were avoiding me."

She scoffed as she pushed him off, "I was avoiding you poor excuse for a man! Get the fuck off of me Nela!"

His face twisted in anger, "I was the best damn thing that ever happened to you. I know you must've loved our last moments together," he sneered.

"N-n-nela stop. Please don't do this," she cried as he held her still.

Dinah couldn't help but start to reminisce back on that dreaded night, but shook her head not wanting to remember what she went through.

Without another thought she kneed his groin hard, causing him to topple over in pain. But she didn't care, when he went down she ran far away, to the person she swore she'd never go back to...

She raced a couple of miles before she reached the oh so familiar house and started banging on the door.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, banging on my- oh!" The young Latina said as she opened the door, "Dinah! What are you doing here?"

Dinah sniffled, causing her ex to notice her distressed state.

"Babe what's wrong," Camila said worriedly as she ushered Dinah in, "Calm down. Take deep breaths."

Dinah did as she was told, taking long deep breaths as she tried to calm herself down, "Mila I-I-I don't know why I did it, but I did. H-h-he."

"Dinah hold up, what happened? What's wrong?" She asked as she knelt in front of her and held her hand.

"Nela. I went with Nela and I know I shouldn't have, but Y/N wasn't-"

"Wait, wait, wait. ¿Que carajos were you with that piece of mierda-" Camila started.

"You know I get confused when you start speaking spanglish," Dinah pouted.

"And you know I only do it when I'm mad! And this has me beyond pissed! Did he do anything to you? I swear to todo lo que es santo," she muttered.

"No, I don't know, when I thought he was going to I kicked him and ran," she recalled, "I didn't know where else to go. After last time it was you and no one else knows and that night just kept trying to replay through my head I needed help and you're the only one who comes close to understanding," she ranted as she started losing her breath but Camila rubbed her hand soothingly effectively making her calm down.

The young Polynesian sighed contently, "I'm sorry I came here. I just really needed someone, and I didn't know where else to go."

"You're fine DinDi- I mean Dinah. As long as your safe. You know you can always come to me," she informed.

"Mila everything I had told myself to do when I saw him, completely went away when he told nobody had seen Y/N in almost a month. It could've happened again, but I took no regard because of her," she divulged, "Why are the relationships I form, to some degree, always toxic?"

Camila rolled her eyes, "Why do you care about her so much anyway? She's never gonna come out the closet for you. That would require ditching her church, and based on what I've seen growing up, she loves that place."

"Sometimes the things you love hurt you the most," she said looking deep into Camila's eyes.

The look Dinah gave her, made her regret almost everything, nothing new really.

"Dinah you know I'm sorry for how everything went down, but you know I love you," she choked out as her eyes glossed over, "I never stopped but-"

"I know the buts. But you didn't love me more than your yearn for success. But Siope didn't love me more than his need for attention. But Mo didn't love me more than his desire for proximity. But Nela didn't love me more than his want for sex. But Y/N doesn't love me more than she fears her God or her dad. No one ever loves me enough..." she sighed out.

"Dinah don't say that," she chastised.

"Why? It's true. There are no exceptions."

"I'm the exc-"

"No you're not!" She said raising her voice, "If you were you would've came back by now. And I know you don't plan on switching back in the middle of senior year, do you?"

Camila hung her head in shame as she shook it.

Dinah scoffed, "That's what I thought."

"Dinah you have to know how sorry I am."

"I do know Mila, that doesn't mean I accept it," she said, "I should get going. Thanks for letting me in," she said as she got up.

Camila grabbed her wrist, making Dinah look down at her, "You're not walking home. Not if he's still out there. I'll take you home."

"I don't need your help-"

"Dinah please. Let me help you," Camila pleaded.


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