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It was the day before the big game and nerves were up higher than ever. This practice would be easy going but everyone was pretty high sprung.

"We cannot fucking play like this tomorrow!" Dinah yelled as she watched yet another girl drop the ball in the drill they were doing.

"Lay off on us would ya! We're all aware of the game tomorrow, but we're not spazzing like you," Y/N retorted.

Dinah rushed up to the rugby newbie and pointed at her accusingly, "Don't fucking tell me what to do. I'm captain not you."

"Hey, leave your couple problems at home you two," Briannah whispered harshly.

"I'm abso-fucking-lutely done with you two," Y/N said as she rolled her eyes, flipped them off and walked back to the rest of the team.

Bri took Dinah off to the side, "What's wrong sis? I've never seen you so worked up about a game."

"This is our senior year Bri! If we don't win this game we don't go to playoffs! We can't end our senior year like that," she proclaimed.

"But what good is it if the whole time you're mad?"

Dinah took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair, "You're right, you're right. I need to calm down," she said as she rubbed her aching temples.

"Are you alright," Bri asked nervously.

"Yeah, yeah. I just- the sun... It makes my head hurt," she explained.

A/N: in case you're wondering that's a sign of a concussion

"Just breathe. If we're gonna beat some ass tomorrow everyone needs to be on their A-game," Co-captain Mariner instructed.

"Ok, ok. I'm good. Let's get back to practice," she sighed out.

They ran through practice normally but at the end there were some unwanted visitors.

"Family on me. Family on 3! Family!" Dinah yelled at their breakdown.

"Family!" The rest of the team yelled back.

As they dispersed Normani noticed a familiar girl hanging out by the curb.

"Hey," the dark skinned girl started as she nudged Dinah, "Your traitorous ex is here."

The young Tongan's head snapped in the direction Normani was looking and sure enough, there stood the one and only Camila Cabello.

The young Cuban locked eyes with her ex girlfriend and waved shyly causing Dinah to roll her eyes as she walked over.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow. I'd be there to watch but I have a game too," she answered.

"Aww, that's too bad. I assure you, you won't be missed," Dinah responded with a faux smile.

"It's been like a year Dinah, can't we just let bygones be bygones," Camila sighed out.

"I think you know the answer to that," she said as she crossed her arms.

Camila sighed a sigh of frustration as she ran a hand through her hair, "At least I tri- what is he doing here?!"

Dinah turned to see who her ex was pointing at. The sight in front of her was one she always hated to see.

Her other ex was there to pick up Y/N.

They watched as he side hugged her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Y/N only showed emotion to their interaction when she noticed Dinah watching.

"What in the actual fuck," Camila said as she proceeded to stomp over to Y/N and Nela.

"Camila no!" Dinah chided as she grabbed her wrist, but the Cuban quickly shook her off.

"Who do you think you are huh?" Camila said as she approached Nela, "Get your perverted ass away from here."

Nela scoffed, "Nice to see you too Camila."

"Nice to wha- Maybe you didn't hear me. Get. The. Fuck. Away," she repeated.

"Aye Cabello, I don't know who you think you're talking to but he actually goes here. Why don't you go back to your Bobcats?" Y/N defended her PR stunt of a boyfriend.

"And you! How dare you even look at this thing while you're with Dinah?!" She spewed out.

Y/N's eyes grew large in fear of being outed.

Seeing Y/N's discomfort, Dinah figured it was time to intervene, "Alright that's enough Camila."

"You're just gonna let one of your teammates be with that monster?! After what he did to you! Do you not remember that night?" Camila further argued.

Dinah gripped the older girl's upper arm roughly and pulled her close, "Not another word Camila."

She laughed, "Still too scared to tell anyone Dinah?! God, this, this is the fucking reason it was so easy to leave you the way I did. He fucked you up so bad and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't fix you. You wouldn't let me help you!"

"Leave!" Dinah demanded as she pushed Camila away.

"You need help Hansen!" Camila said harshly as she walked off, "And you should really think about coming out the closet. Especially if this is the bastard you're hiding behind," she said as she stared down Y/N.

This challenge to her sexuality lead Y/N to grab Nela by his chin and guide his lips to hers.

Both Dinah and Camila looked away in disgust.

"Both of you have some serious problems," Camila scolded as she left the field.

Y/N and Dinah exchanged uneasy glances before heading out.

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