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"Today we work on support, and before you ask, yes that means running," Briannah announced as warm ups ended.

Everyone groaned.

"Believe me, I hate running as much as most of you but if we strengthen our support that's ultimately less running in a game," Dinah pointed out.

"Isn't this game against Grove Tree's blue jay's? They suck at defending anyway, I don't think we need to work on support but rather on how we can better defend against their lines because their offense is pretty legit," Y/N informed.

Everyone turned to face the rugby newbie.

"Excuse me," Dinah interjected, "And how would you know?"

"I don't ever go into a challenge without researching the competition. You should know that by now Hansen," Y/N sassed.

Dinah rolled her eyes, but she was right. Before her and Y/N started their little rendezvous's she found out that Y/N knew a lot about her than what just their short interactions could tell anyone.

"I mean she's not wrong Dee," Briannah whispered.

"I know," she snapped back at her best friend, "Let's gather the trio and see what they think," she offered.

Bree nodded in agreement, "Normani, Lauren, and Ally can you come over here please?" She asked

The three girls jogged over, they were the team's super seniors. Each narrowly missing the requirements for graduation last year, consequently they had one more semester to finish before officially receiving a diploma.

It's a good thing rugby season was during first semester or else they wouldn't have been willing to do another year of high school.

"What's up youngin," Lauren asked Bree as she propped her arm on Normani's shoulder.

"Jauregui, does it look like I still serve your kind," Normani referenced.

"Mani, baby, why you gotta do me like that? You know I'm Cuban not some great great great great granddaughter of a slave owner," Lauren retorted

"Well get your Cuban ass up off of me," the dark skinned girl replied.

Planet green eyes smirked, "That's not what you were saying last month, or last week for that matter."

Dinah, Bree, and Ally looked at the two girls suggestively.

"Ooohhh y'all need Jesus," Ally giggled.

Normani blushed madly, "You'll regret that later," she threatened.

Lauren smirked again, "I look forward to it."

"Whoa girl aren't you dating my cousin?" Dinah asked Normani.

She nodded, "Mhm, your point DJ? Masi into some kinky shit," she said motioning to Lauren, "And this one, knows some kinky shit."

"Thank you. Thank you," Lauren said as she took a bow.

"Ewww, gross, stop just stop. Forget I asked," Dinah quickly added.

"Ladies, what's the hold up?" Coach Rico asked.

"One second coach," Dee yelled out..

"Guys, we wanted to know if you agree with what Y/N said about the blue jay's?" Bree pointed out.

"I mean yeah, the jay's suck at defending. But they're great at offense. They run the ball well and pass it out with ease," Lauren said.

"And they're fast, it kills us forwards every time," Ally added.

"Their throw ins suck tho, I always win them when I go up," Normani input.

Briannah turned to Dinah, "She was right fam."

The young Tongan sighed, "Guess we're working on defense today. Do me a favor tho? Don't tell Y/N I agreed with her ok?"

Each girl nodded, as the trio jogged back to the rest of the team.

"With some council it has been decided that we will work on defense," Briannah stated, "We're gonna start with a couple of drills. Split into 6 lines, 3 people in each line. The rest of you follow Dinah!"

The team did as she said, now awaiting the next instruction.

"Those of you in the six lines, 6 of you will run up together and try to get the ball to the end of the 20 meter mark. While that is happening 1 person in Dinah's line will run out and try to stop you from scoring. If the person who is defending stops the try, everyone runs off the field so the next group can go. If the 6 make the try then they turn around and do it again meanwhile another person is added to the defense so that it is now 6 v 2," Briannah explained.

"So everytime offense scores we add a defensive player?" Y/N asked.

Bree & Dee nodded.

"Smart drill, who came up with it? Because you two dolts couldn't have," she remarked.

"Y/L/N!" Coach yelled.

Y/N rolled her eyes, "Sorry, sorry."

Coach scoffed as he threw a ball towards Dinah, "Just get started."

The young Tongan wasn't paying attention to coach tho, which resulted in the ball hitting her head and bouncing over to Briannah who took everybody to start practicing.

But Dinah didn't join them right away instead she took in a sharp, painful sounding, intake of breath.

"You ok there champ?" Coach Susan asked as she watched Dinah clutch her head.

With Y/N secretly watching her past fling she rushed when the Polynesian did not answer, because she knew about her concussion with the fake clearance, "Hansen, maybe you should take it easy."

After a few seconds trying to subside her head pain the older girl pushed Y/N away from her, "I don't need your pity."

Y/N scoffed, "It's not pity, it's called concern. Something a decent human being should have."

"Ha! Like you're one to talk about being a decent," Dinah exclaimed.

"You know what whatever," Y/N said with the roll of her eyes, "Fuck up your head even more Queen Queer."

Dinah crossed her arms and scowled as coach walked up behind her.

"What did she mean by that Dinah?" Coach said scaring her star player.

"Uh, nothing coach she's just being a dick again," she lied.

"You are cleared right?"

"Yeah, you have the paperwork coach," she insisted knowing those papers were forged.

Coach Susan narrowed her eyes skeptically, "Ok, but you should take it easy Dinah. That concussion was a pretty bad one. We need you for this next match."

Dinah glanced over at her team and smiled at how intensely they were practicing. This game would pull them through to playoffs, and everyone really wanted to make it. Her team hasn't practiced so hard, like they've been doing, in a very long time. To see such determination from them made her grateful. And that's why she wouldn't let that concussion stop her from being there for her team. They needed her and she was not going to disappoint.

"Don't worry coach," she said with her smile, "I'm all over that game."

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