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"Feeling any better?" Dinah asked the younger girl in front of her as she fixed them some lunch.

"Yeah," Y/N said giving her a small smile, "Thanks again for letting me hide out here. And again I'm really sorry for bothering you and your family."

"Nonsense, it's no problem. You needed support," she said as she gave Y/N her plate.

As Y/N turned to reply to the young Polynesian, Dinah was barely getting ready to move, and their faces were mere centimeters apart. Y/N's eyes searched Dinah's, as well as occasionally glancing at her lips. And Dinah had done the same. Lumps formed in both their throats.

"So- uh- How are you and- uh N-Nela?" Dinah asked as she turned her head and took a seat.

"Oh, um, fine. Fine, were uh fine," Y/N said obviously lying.

"You don't sound so sure. Did Nela do something," Dinah asked worriedly.

"No, he's just... Not what I was expecting," she confessed.

"Y/N," Dinah said as she reached for Y/N's hand, "Please listen to me. Nela will only disappoint you. Don't continue this relationship."

"Maybe if you told me what he did, I could find it justifiable to stop seeing him," she started.

"No, please, I'm begging you. End things with him, he won't do you any good."

"He's doing more good than anyone right now!" She yelled as she pulled her hand away, "I'm pretty sure my dad is already suspecting, Nela is surely the only thing allowing my father to keep believing I'm straight. He's the only thing keeping me alive..."

"You keep saying stuff like that, like your dad is actually gonna kill you," Dinah responded with the roll of her eyes as she rubbed her temples already sensing the oncoming head ache.

"He would! You see what he did by just discussing a gay family member. He didn't just make me mad enough to leave. He hit me, he hasn't touched me since I was 10 and stole a pack of bubble gum. He hit me to punish me for what I had been thinking. I have no doubt that he'd kill me for acting on my thoughts," she confessed, "Dinah I'm so scared..." she said as she got up from her seat and went out on the patio looked out at the neighborhood.

Dinah frowned as she followed the younger girl to the patio.

"I'm sorry if I can't believe that anyone would treat their own flesh and blood that way. I just can't see anyone doing that," she said as she wrapped her arms around Y/N making both her and Y/N feel better, "But I can tell you that Nela is not any safer than the image you have of your father. Please, rethink this relationship."

Y/N turned to face her, "Then what am I supposed to do?"

Dinah brought her hand up to Y/N's cheek, "Find someone, anyone, else. I don't care as long as your safe."

Y/N leaned into the touch, having craved such gentle & loving attention. Dinah seemed genuinely worried about her, something she can't remember anyone doing since Ty.

She looked up into Dinah's eyes and knew she couldn't resist. She looked around to see if anyone was around, to her disappointment there were people out and about. She then took one look at Dinah's lips and knew she couldn't resist, "Fuck it," she said as she pulled Dinah down for a much anticipated kiss.

The young Tongan did not hesitate to kiss her back, pulling her in closer for more.


Y/N pushed Dinah off of her, "D-d-dad?"

Dinah turned to face the man that to literally had fumes rising from his head.

"W-w-what are you doing here?"

"Y/N get in the car," he said through gritted teeth.

"Dad- I-" she tried to say.

"Get in the fucking car!" He yelled.

"Yes sir," she said as she scrambled away from Dinah and through the house.

Dinah followed her, "Y/N it's gonna be fine."

"No, no it's not," she said fearfully as she gathered her things.

"You don't have to go," Dinah told her, "You can stay here."

"Dinah! You don't get it! When I kissed you- when he saw it- I signed my death certificate!"

"So why'd you kiss me?!"

"Because your lips on mine is the best feeling in the world. I'm just sorry I didn't do it more often," she confessed.

"Don't leave," Dinah pleaded.

Y/N gave a sad smile as she went in for one last kits, "It's ok Hansen... I've accepted my fate," she said as they separated and opened the door to leave.

Her dad was waiting on the front step. He grabbed Y/N's wrist roughly and yanked her out.

"Get in the car," he demanded as he shoved her towards the car, "And you stay the hell away from my daughter, fucking dyke," he said pointing at Dinah.

Dinah's face crinkled in disgust as she was about to say something back, but stopped when she glanced at Y/N. Y/N shook her head to tell her to let it go, so she did. She shut her mouth and zipped her lips, earning a relieved sigh from Y/N.

The father scowled as he turned around to head to his car.

Y/N expected the worse when they drove away. But her dad didn't do anything, at least not yet.

He was obviously quite mad. His face was in as permanent scowl, and his knuckles were turning white as he gripped the steering wheel. She stayed silent in hopes of avoiding conflict.

He parked in the garage and as soon as it closed, Y/N got exactly what she expected.

She felt a stinging sensation on her cheek.

"Is this what all last night was about?! All this speak of Ty?! It's because you're one too!" He yelled.

"I-I-I can explain," she stuttered as tears started to bubble to the surface.

He slapped her again, "I will not have this sin in my house. Not again!"

He exited the car and slammed the door. Y/N slowly got out but was surprised when she was rushed out when her father yanked her hair.

"You didn't think all you'd get is a slap on the wrist? It seems my life long pursuit of trying to teach you what's wrong and right has proven futile. So I guess I'll have to beat the devil out of you..."

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