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"Hey," a boy yelled as he jogged to catch up to Y/N, "Y/N right?"

"Yeeeaaahhh," she skepticized, "Who are you?"

"Taniela Aveua Kuuipo Otukolo," he said with a smile as they continued walking, "But a fine honey like you can call me Nela."

She scoffed at such cockiness, "Aren't you a Hamlin student? What are you doing in Lincoln Hall?"

"I could ask you the same question," he replied with a smirk.

"Well I asked first."

He chuckled, "I was here to talk to my football coach. He co-coaches rugby and I was thinking of joining. I had a few questions."

"Interesting. I just quit rugby," she stated.


Y/N thought back to her short time with the rugby team, and all her extra time with Dinah.

"It's complicated," she sighed out, "Why are you trying to join? Isn't your ex, captain of the girls team? Why would you want to ruin any closure you two have."

"Ugh even when I'm trying to flirt with someone from my side of school Dinah still pops up," he groaned.

"You're flirting with me?" Y/N questioned, "You're not very good. I couldn't tell," she said with a smirk.

He chuckled, "Well if all goes well I won't need to improve my flirting skills at all."

"Are you trying to do what I think you're trying to do?" Y/N asked with the quirk of her eyebrow.

"If you're thinking I'm gonna ask you out, then you are correct," he said with a smile.

Y/N laughed at his cockiness once again, "Thanks, but-" she started.

If you say yes no one will think you're gay, she thought to herself, but Nela is Dinah's ex. He's the one she was with before she tried to- you know, she argued.

Who cares about Dinah, was a brief thought that flashed, wtf kind if question is that? You do! You care about Dinah! You like Dinah, you may even lov- Don't even finish that thought, if you think it it becomes real and if it's real dad will freak. Just say yes, it's not going to hurt anybody, was her final thought.

"Earth to Y/N," Nela said waving his hand in front of her face.

"Sorry, what?" Y/N said coming out of her daze.

"So do you want to go out sometime?" He asked again.

"Uh, yeah, sure," she decided.

"Great! What are you doing this Saturday?" He asked.

"Actually, I was planning on going to the girls rugby game. Maybe we can reschedule," she suggested.

"Why? We can just go to the game and then go out to a dinner & movie," he offered.

"Are you sure that's a good idea. You know Dinah and the whole team kinda hate you," Y/N pointed out.

"You right, you right," he said making her laugh, "How bout I pick you up afterwards. Is it a 15's or 7's match?"


"Cool! That means you'll only be there like 20-25 minutes. The game's at 4 right?" He asked.


"So I'll pick you up from the field around 4:30. Sound good?"

Y/N smiled, "Yeah, sounds good."

He smiled back, "Great. See you around," he said giving her a hug before he ran off to class.

What did I just do, Y/N thought to herself as she waved him off.

A/N: #BuyDownOniTunes

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