"Flat!" Dinah and Briannah screamed as they got ready for kick off. Their kicker performed the drop kick and raced up with everyone else as the captain's yelled, "Up together!"

Their team ran up in their defensive line ready to take down whoever might catch the ball. A small, but fast, girl on the opposing team caught the ball and managed to evade the Lady Titans and score the first try of the game.

"Get ready to receive!" Dinah yelled as they ran to the 40 and braced themselves for the kick off. It came down and Y/N caught the ball. She hesitated a bit, as a new player, but she ran about 5 yards before she was knocked on her ass.

"You can tell you're a newbie," the tackler said as she rucked over Y/N and smirked devilishly. The other team gained possession of the ball and effectively out ran The Titans, making the second try.

Having run through 3.5 minutes of the first half, they had 3.5 minutes more. The Bobcats kicked off towards Y/N again, seeing that she was the weak link. Using this technique, the opposition continued gaining try upon try. There was about 30 Seconds left in the game and the Bobcats were kicking off again, making sure it ended up where Y/N had been positioned.

She dreaded the ball coming into contact with her hands again. But what other option was there? She caught the ball and was immediately met with full body contact from the person tackling her. They rucked over, gained possession, and made another try just as the time ran out.

Y/N groaned in both annoyance and pain from her place on the ground as the person who tackled and rucked over continued to hover over her. "You're a pathetic excuse for a rugby player," she said as she ruffled Y/N's hair.

"Fuck you," Y/N spat as she stood up and brushed herself off. "What'd you say to me perra?" The girl said pushing Y/N back on the ground.

"You little bit-" she started to say as she lunged at the girl but something held her back. She turned around and saw Dinah, who had wrapped her arms around her waist, "Don't let her get to you."

The sound of Dinah's voice instantly relaxed Y/N, and she didn't know why. But she did know she didn't like the feeling coming from Dinah, or from any girl, not again...

"Yeah, whatever. Let go of me ya dyke," she mumbled as she shrugged her way out of Dinah's embrace.

The Polynesian girl rolled her eyes as she faced the other team's rude player. The player smirked, "Miss me baby?"

"Shut up Camila," Dinah sighed out as she rubbed her temples. "Awww, come on. You didn't miss me? Because I've missed you," she said seductively as she hugged her from behind.

"No you didn't."

"There you go again with your stubbornness. You know this is why we broke up," she replied as she let go of Dinah.

"No. We broke up because you think of nobody but yourself. You're self centered and evasive. I'm glad you ended things so that I didn't have to."

"Please," Camila scoffed, "You never would've left me. You loved me."

"I did. Good thing that's all in the past. Now my only love is rugby, and I'm staying loyal to my team. Do you know what loyalty is Mila? Of course not, you never exercised such a trait. Well let me give you an example. If you dare touch or insult another one of my girls, I'll make sure you regret it," she said pulling the Cuban in close.

"You still talking about the team, or your new girl toy that keeps staring back at us?" Camilla replied with a smirk.

Dinah rolled her eyes as she let go of Camila, "We're not together. Either way, stay away from her and the rest of the team, got it?"

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