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Y/N looked everywhere for Dinah! The first location she looked at was the Hansen household, but she hadn't been there since they left that morning. She then checked all local parks in a 5 mile radius. Then she checked any restaurants, then all the nooks and crannies at & near the school, but still no Dinah.

"Holy fuck Hansen, where are you?!" Y/N screamed as she punched her steering wheel.

She was way too worried about Dinah to worry about the fact that the girl had already told somebody about their relationship? Was that what she could call it? A relationship? No, but what could she call call it? Either way all she wanted was to make sure Dinah was safe.

She tried calling her once again, but to her surprise, she answered.

"What Y/N," Dinah said groggily.

"Where are you?!?!" Y/N basically screamed into the phone.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down, why are you screaming?"

"You disappeared all day! Everyone's been worried."

"All day? What time is it?"

"Almost 6."

"6! I missed practice?! Fuck!"

"That doesn't matter, where are you?"

"Shit, I don't know. Sunset beach."

"Stay there I'm coming to get you."

"I don't need you to coddle me."

"Stay there," Y/N demanded as she got into her car and drove to the nearest beach.

When she arrived the beach was eerily empty, save the lone girl on a bench near the shore. Y/N jogged to the bench and kneeled in front of the girl.

"What on Earth have you been doing all day?" Y/N said as she took one of Dinah's hands in hers.

"I came her to look at the waves, they always make me feel better, and I guess I fell asleep..."

"Are you ok?" Y/N asked as she used her thumb to rub Dinah's hand comfortingly.

"Fine, can we go to practice? There's still like 25 minutes and I don't wanna miss it."

"We don't have to go if you want to rest some more. I can take you home and you can relax," Y/N offered.

"Look, I only stayed here because I wouldn't make it to practice before it ended if I walked. You're car can get us there in time. So let's go," Dinah said as she arose from her seat and walked towards Y/N car.

Y/N sighed in frustration. Did Dinah not know how worried she had everyone today. How worried she had her today!

Y/N took a deep breath as she ran a hand through her hair, all that matters is she's safe, she thought to herself as she entered her car.

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