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The car ride was silent and as they approached the practice field most everyone swarmed the car.

"Dinah!" They all cheered.

"You made it! You can play in the game tomorrow!" A freshmen team member said.

"Don't you ever worry me like that again," Briannah mumbled as she pulled Dinah in for a hug.

"Sorry Bree, lost track of time on the beach," she said as a small smile made it's way onto her face.

"Ya poofter," Bree replied as she ruffled Dinah's hair.

"Shut up, let's just finish practice with track thud and a lap around the field," Dinah said as she and the team got in formation.

But watching Dinah and Briannah's embrace, Y/N was reminded of why she was upset with the Tongan while she was searching for her. How dare she tell ANYONE about anything they had going on?

She ran through the drills begrudgingly, and jogged to her car when they were done. She was so ready to go home and forget about her stressful day.

"Y/N!" Dinah yelled getting the younger girl's attention as she walked over, "Where do you think you're going? You still have another hour of practice."

"I'm not feeling it," Y/N grumbled as she watched the rest of the team take off.

"Wait, are you mad at me now? Because if I remember correctly you were the one being an ass today," Dinah said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"No, I was being considerate. It's not my fault you thought I was being an ass just because I didn't want to see you dead for some lame ass reason. I don't want to be the reason you killed yourself. No matter how arrogant you think that sounds, it's true. I'm not the only who was afraid of that. Briannah believed such a thing could happen. She threatened me in fact. Probably because she knew how you feel and how I feel because you told her!" Y/N retorted as her eyes narrowed, "You told her about whatever the fuck it is we have going on, after I trusted you with that information. First it's her, then its the school, then it's my church, then it's my father! And then... Then I'm dead, all because of you!"

Dinah had seen Y/N mad plenty of times but she's never seen her cry. In that moment she had seen a few tears fall from her eyes. Y/N was truly scared of anyone knowing the truth about her.

Y/N furiously wiped her tears away as she unlocked her car, "Despite what I found out, all I could focus on at the time was you, not how mad I was at you, just if you were safe or not. If you were ok, if you were even alive. I was so worried, and I don't know why. I wanted to be mad at you for telling someone, for betraying my trust, but all I was was worried," she scorned as she entered her car.

When she entered she hoped to rid herself of the troublesome Tongan, but instead found the girl following her example, and joining her in the passenger's seat.

"Hansen just leave," Y/N said with a slightly shaky breath.

"I think we need to work this out before we begin our practice session," Dinah said calmly.

"I'm not practicing with you! I don't even want to play anymore, I just want go back to my uncomplicated life where everyone thought I was straight, and I played volleyball, and sung in church choir, and was everybody's perfect angel."

"News flash! You're not perfect Y/N! Nobody is. You're arrogant, cocky, and so contradicting it makes my head hurt. But despite the facts, you're funny, beautiful, and kind in your own weird way," Dinah started, "I'm sorry I told Bree about us, I guess it's a force of habit. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember. I've told her everything since we learned to talk. But I guess I also didn't see the big deal. This is who you are," she continued as she laced their hands together, "I didn't think it'd matter who found out because you never would've changed. Your family and friends love you and would accept it. But if you really feel this strongly about people knowing I'm promising you now that Bree won't tell a soul. She's great at keeping secrets," Dinah assured.

"You trust her?" Y/N asked.

"I do," Dinah replied as she squeezed her hand in confidence, "She'll keep your secret."

Y/N let out a relieved sigh as the last of her tears fell.

Dinah brought her hand up towards the fallen pools of sadness and wiped them away, "This is a new side of you I've never seen," she stated.

Y/N gave a sad chuckle, "Is that good or bad?"

Dinah wrapped her arms around Y/N's neck and pulled her in for a hug as she pondered briefly, "Both,"she replied as she placed a delicate kiss on Y/N's cheek.

Such a kiss caused the younger girl to blush as she hugged Dinah back.

"I'm sorry I was such an ass this morning," Y/N said as they separated.

"It's alright. I know you were just trying to look out for me. And besides I'll get you back during our practice today," Dinah said with a smirk.

"We're still doing that," Y/N groaned, "Come on. Cut me some slack, we've both had a pretty emotional day."

"Nope. There are no excuses for rugby," Dinah insisted, "And besides you need lots of practice before a scholarship is in your reach. No offense."

Y/N smirked and rolled her eyes, "Sure, none taken."

"Well what are you waiting for?! Come on!" Dinah said jumping out of the car.

Y/N laughed as she shook her head and got out if the car slowly, "Dinah Jane Hansen, you're certainly changing my life..."

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