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The next day at practice everyone showed up, even Y/N, and that surprised everyone even coach. Sure they had made that deal but in retrospect she thought Y/N only agreed so that they would let her leave.

"Well ok, since we have everyone here I'll let the captains take over."

Briannah and Dinah stood in front of the team, arms crossed with hard glares.

"Alright everyone listen up. Next week's game is our last chance to make it to playoffs. So we gotta work our asses off everyday until then," Dinah said authoritatively.

"Dee's right! So for today everyone will be warming up with one of us in their perspective groups. With that mine backs with me and Coach Susan, forwards with Dinah and Coach Rico," Briannah instructed.

The girls spilt into their positions, Y/N heading over to Dinah and Rico as she usually did. But she did so with an attitude to keep up her hateful façade.

"What do you have for us today Queen Queer?" She said smugly.

Dinah mockingly smirked back, "Ha. Ha. Actually I have nothing for you. You're not a forward."

"What do you mean I'm not a forward? I've only ever practiced with forwards. I played a back one game for like 30 seconds!"

"Good enough for me," Dinah responded with a smirk, "Go to Bree."

Y/N looked at Coach Rico for assistance but all he did was shrug.

"Sorry kid. I know how fun it is being a forward, but you were a really good back," he said.

Y/N trudged over to Briannah and Susan finding it petty of Dinah to give her a new position so last minute. Like sure she was being mean and petty, but to protect Dinah. When Dinah did it, it just hurt.

"Nice of you to join us Y/N," Bree said, "Since you've never practiced as a back you should know we run. A lot! So we'll be starting with a half mile run, which is 2 and a half laps around the field."

Y/N groaned, "I hate running."

In the corner of her eye she saw Briannah smirk, "I know."

"I'm so done with thi-" she started before coach interrupted.


Y/N turned back to face her, "What?"

"You have 194 make up assignments to do if you leave this field," coach threatened, "And only 31 days till the end of the semester."

Y/N rolled her eyes as she made her way back to the group. She may have hated running, but she hated homework even more.

Briannah smirked again, "Better get running."

Y/N unwillingly trudged her way to the track and jogged her two and a half laps. She was one of the last ones to finish but she didn't really care.

"Why you gotta be so hard on her? She's too pretty for that," a girl said as she walked up to Briannah.

"Lauren, honey, she's straight and extremely homophobic," Briannah pointed out.

"Pft, that's what they all say," Lauren bragged as she slung her arm over the Samoan's shoulder.

Bree scoffed, "She's a Trump supporter," she said untruthfully but knowing that would get Lauren's attention.

"Welp I'm out," the green eyed back said as she walked away.

"Nice chat Jauregui!" She said with a laugh as she watched Y/N finish, "Gonna have to be faster than that for a spot on this team!"

"I'll show you fast," she said lunging at the co captain.

But she was held back by an unknown source, she turned to see Dinah and (out of shock) relaxed. But the Tongan had a look of annoyance on her face.

"Don't be stupid Y/N," she said simply as she forced her to stand on the opposite side of the group.

When Dinah placed her down she walked back to Briannah.

"Listen up, we will take no slacking on this team. I don't ask that you become the fastest or strongest on the team in the next week. But I do ask that you try your best. We will not tolerate laziness, we will not tolerate disrespect. We are one. We work together. We win together. We lose together. We are a team," Dinah said as she stood authoritatively, "Do not disappoint your team."

Got damn, that was sexy, Y/N thought as she bit her knuckles.

"Until our next game we will practice on one skill everyday. Today, as a team, we work on rucking. Our rucks have been getting sloppy ladies. We need to show our strength in our legs and our cores," Dinah said as she lifted her shirt and slapped her toned stomach, "Kia kaha. Bree and I will show you how to do it properly."

Dinah and Briannah both got down on their knees, in the ready position. On the count of three they pushed against one another, raised their knees, now only supported by their toes, as shoulder rammed against shoulder.

Their calf muscles and abdominal muscles flexed tremendously as they stayed in the rucking position, with tremors of effort as one girl tried to push over the other. In the end Dinah did win after a couple minutes of struggle on both ends.

They dusted themselves off as both captains turned to face the rest of the team.

"That's how I want it done," Dinah commanded, "I want the other team to struggle to fight for that ball. Don't give up possession without a fight. Today all we will do is ruck. After practice I still want you to practice rucking. Ruck in your car. Ruck at the store. Ruck at church. Ruck at the dinner table. Ruck in your bed. Ruck while you eat. Ruck while you sleep. Hell, ruck while you fuck-"

"I think they get it Dinah," coach Susan interrupted.

Dinah laughed, "Sorry coach."

"The point is, until beggining of practice tomorrow just focus on rucking," Briannah interjected.

Dinah, Coach Susan, and Coach Rico nodded in agreement as the team began whispering in encouragement.

Dinah turned back to the gaggle of girls around her, her eyes landing on Y/N and a smirk crawled onto her lips, "Let's Ruck."

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