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"Hi Y/N," Briannah teased between the obvious tension occurring amongst Y/N and Dinah. "Good morning," she mumbled not facing the two Polynesians.

"Anyone gonna tell me why you two are acting more awkward than usual?"

"Shut up Bree," Dinah said as Y/N ignored the question.

"Well come on! You know I hate being left out of things, what's going on between you two?"

"Nothing, who said there was," Y/N said with a scowl on her face, "And if I hear you say shit like that again I'll punch your face in."

"Excuse me?" Briannah scoffed.

"Y/N, a word?" Dinah said as she stood up and grabbed her hand.

"The fuck? No," she answered as she pulled her hand back.

"Outside. Now," the older girl demanded as she headed outside the classroom.

"Awww shit, you made Daddy Dinah come out," Bree stated.

Y/N rolled her eyes and scoffed as she followed Dinah out to the hall, "What?"

Dinah took her arm and lead her to a secluded part of the hallway where she backed her up against the wall.

"This feel familiar? It should. Don't you ever threaten Briannah again," Dinah sneered.

"Or what?" Y/N said with a smirk.

"Or I'll take that confused little brain of yours and shove it up your ass. I don't have time to keep dealing with your ever shifting emotions!"

"Then why do you?! Just leave me alone so I can get you out of my head!" Y/N yelled as she pushed Dinah off of her, "You're the reason my emotions are shifting and I don't appreciate it Hansen!"

"What the hell did I do?!"

Y/N grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her in close sending a death glare her way, "Being you is the worst thing you've ever done."

"Why? Because I stay true to myself?At least, tomorrow, I can be the same person I was today. That's not how it is with you. You can be Angel one moment and a demon the next. One day you're the most homophobic piece of crap I've ever met and the next you're flirting with me!"

"I would never, I will never flirt with you. I'm not some ungodly dyke," she sneered once again.

"There you again with that shit. I'm not ashamed of who I am, and no one can make me feel any different. Especially not you, someone who's so obviously in the closet!" Dinah said only saying such things to make her mad.

Never in a million years would she actually believe Y/N was interested in girls. She only said such things to make Y/N mad. And it would seem she succeeded because Y/N rammed Dinah into the wall.

"I'm not a fucking dyke."

Dinah chuckled a bit, "Could've fooled me."

"Say it again, I dare you."

The young Polynesian smirked, "You're a dyke. A pussy loving, dick avoiding, carpet munching, dy-"

Dinah was interrupted when Y/N's lips smashed into hers. After taking a few seconds to comprehend the situation, Dinah kissed back, but that's when Y/N pulled away.

"You really need to just shut up sometimes," she said with a pissed off expression as she loosened her hold on her rugby captain, "I will deny everything, if you tell anybody about this. Got it?"

Dinah just stood with her mouth agape.

"I'll take that as a yes," Y/N said as she fully freed the older girl as the bell rang, "Let's get to class."

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