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When 1st period was over Dinah left the room in a rush to get away from Y/N, who quickly was able to catch up.

"Where ya going dyke aren't you supposed to show me around. Get me to my classes?" She asked as she jokingly threw her arm around the older girl jokingly. Immediately the young Polynesian pushed Y/N off her and dragged her to a secluded corner of the hallway.

"Listen here you homophobic asshole. I've known you less than 2 days and I already can't stand you. If you so much as look at me in the wrong way or speak to me in the wrong tone I will make sure your pretty lips never utter another insult. Do I make myself clear?" Dinah seethed out in a deathly rage.

"Do I look like I am easily frightened? You may be this terrible dyke creature thing, but I will never take orders from you. Your threats are nothing to me. It is you who should keep your eyes peeled when around me, I can destroy you and don't you ever forget it," she seethed as she pushed the older girl away from her, "Now take me to class."

Dinah huffed as she rolled her eyes and trudged off to class, the younger girl following behind. As they approached the room Dinah turned to Y/N once again, "Your ass is mine on the field."

Y/N rolled her eyes as she entered the room behind Dinah. "Ahhh Ms. Hansen, I see you've met our new student."

"Yeah. she's a real catch," she said sarcastically as she took her seat. "Ms. Y/L/N, why don't you take the seat next to my desk."

She nodded with a smile as she gladly took a seat away from Dinah.

"Now that we're all here, get with your partners from last Friday," he instructed, "Ms. Hansen, Ms. Y/L/N, since one of you was absent and the other wasn't enrolled in my class, you'll be-" he started.

Dinah rolled her eyes and sighed at the predictable pairing he came up with.

"Don't you fucking say it," Y/N mumbled as she buried her head in her hands.

"Paired with each other," he said with a smile as students started to move seats. "Well fuck me," Dinah exasperated as Y/N trudged over. "You'd like that wouldn't you," Y/N sneered as she sat beside the Polynesian, "Fucking dyke."

Dinah cracked her knuckles as she leaned on the desk, getting closer to Y/N, "You sure do like that word huh?" she asked sarcastically as she gave a fake laugh.

Y/N smirked in return.

In 0.5 seconds Dinah reached for Y/N's collar and pulled her in close, creating a scene in front of the whole class.

"Ms. Hansen, put her down now!" The teacher instructed.

"I will end you," she threatened as she let go of her collar and faced the teacher.

"Detention, now, Ms. Hansen. And after it's done for this period you'll also have After-School detention," he instructed.

"What?! But Mr. Pike I have rugby practice after school."

"Should have thought about that before you nearly assaulted Y/N," he pointed out.

Dinah sighed as she packed up her stuff and left the room, but not before she shot Y/N a glare. And boy if looks could kill...

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