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"Thank you for meeting me here ladies."

"I wouldn't have come if I knew she was coming," Dinah said sadly.

"Same here, dyke," Y/N sneered.

"You listen here Y/N I don't care what your father says. In my house everyone is treated equally," Coach Susan demanded.

Y/N sat down in caution as she looked over at the two women in front of her. She crossed her arms and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"What is this, some type of intervention?" She snarked.

"I don't even know why we're here so don't make it look like I'm trying to gang up on you when the first and foremost thing on my mind is to get you out of it," Dinah rebuttled.

"Dinah, please, take a seat," coach said, "I called you both here for a compromise."

"A compromise?" The two girls questioned.

"My team is failing without you, Dinah. Dinah is failing because of you, Y/N. When you two were both on the team, the team was working together the best they ever had," Coach started to explain.

"Quick question Susan. What the fuck does your silly little team have anything to do with me?" Y/N questioned.

Coach glared at her as she took a deep breath, "I want you to rejoin."

Both Y/N and Dinah looked at Coach Susan in shock.

"This whole thing started because you wanted her to join! Now you want her to rejoin! Literally all of our problems could've been avoided if she never joined the team to begin with!" Dinah exclaimed.

"I know, but i can't change what's already happened Dinah. Plus as much as I hate to admit it, with Y/N on the team there was more cohesiveness. So would you join the Titans again?" Coach asked turning to face Y/N

Y/N took a side glance at Dinah as she crossed her arms, "And be with Queen of the Queers again? I think the fuck not."

"Don't you think you've done enough insulting me for the day?" She retorted.

"Obviously not enough! I told you I didn't want to see you again," she yelled.

"I didn't know you'd fucking be here Y/N," Dinah snapped.

"Ladies!" Coach screamed, "Listen. If you rejoin the team Y/N I will talk to your teachers about your missing work. And if you think you can get all that done just remember it's finals week and they assigned a shit ton of homework and quizzes and whatnot."

Y/N sighed as she thought it over, "Fine. But I want zero work and an easier final for Calculus. Those are my terms."

"Than so be it, now Dinah. If you can somehow make the team flourish again with her on the team I promise you not only your scholarship but the promise that your family will be taken care of when you leave," Coach offered.

Dinah looked at Y/N uneasily and then back at Coach Susan, "You swear it? All 27 of em?"

"I swear. I will make it my duty when you leave."

Dinah sighed, "Ok coach."

Coach Susan smiled, "There that was it. See wasn't so hard."

Y/N rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Can I go now?"

"Same, I gotta get home to Seth," Dinah informed worriedly.

Immediately Y/N's hardened façade vanished, "What's wrong with Seth. Is he alright?"

Dinah glanced at the younger girl and scoffed, "Like you'd care."

Y/N proceeded to look at the ground in embarrassment.

Coach sighed, "I care Dinah. Is he alright?"

"He's just sick that's all. He says everything hurts again but this time more so than before."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Coach asked.

"No, we took him to the hospital and got medicine. It's why mom and dad have been working over time. The hospital trip was more expensive than we thought," Dinah revealed.

That gave Y/N an idea, "Well. I'm gonna head home now. I'll see y'all at practice tomorrow," she said rather quickly as she drove off.

Dinah and Susan looked at each other questioningly and shrugged not trying to figure out the younger girl.

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