Him and the other one

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*Lachlans POV*
     Oh man... what did I just do? I know I screwed up. I feel like this dude thinks I'm insane. He speaks to me "Thanks dude. Not so bad yourself." Did he just call me handsome? "I'm Robert Latsky you've been in all my classes except for health. I seen you were hanging with the Gothic Preston kid... he is so dark and mysterious. I never know what's going on in that kids head but sometimes I wonder. He always sits in the back of the class and listens to death metal. But somehow always has the nicest hair. He is sort of ador...." Rob quickly put his hand over his mouth realizing what he was saying. "AHA! I knew that you guys liked each other. I had a feeling." He blushed.
      "I'm the only out person in this school. Hey I'm wondering... do you maybe wanna skip pe and go hang around at my secret hiding spot little.... uhhhh?" "Lachlan" I said sternly. "Ahhh perfect name for a perfect boy. Little Lachy! I LOVE IT!! Come on let's bail." Man... this guy sure seems rebellious for a flower boy. I mean, we hit it off pretty well.
      He takes me to what is called his favorite hiding spot... some old alley way between the school and a nearby grave yard. All we did was sit and talk about life itself. He asked me the normal new kid questions. Eventually the lunch bell rang and I sprang and tried to go get some grub. When I heard a familiar voice "Hey you found the place. My hiding spot how could you? Get the fudge out of here Rob." It was Preston. "I come here everyday at pe. So it's my place too." Rob snapped. Preston started to charge at Rob when I quickly pushed Rob back and grabbed Preston by the hand. He started blushing, I did a little too. No... Lachlan you're not gay. Plus you just met the kid. "I think you should go, I'll catch up with you later man." Rob frightened sprinted out like a baboon in the jungle.. Preston was just staring like earlier.

*Preston's POV*
      I overreacted. I always eat lunch here and when I seen Lachlan with Rob I knew he would definitely choose him over me. I had only met the boy hours ago... but yet I was still falling for him. I'm not gay, but for him I'll always be. Wait maybe I am. I never realized it till just now. I had even bought us lunch so we could picnic together. "Here Lachlan no need to pay on your first day, I got you covered." "Thanks, Preston" he was blushing hardcore. Man he really is gay on the inside. I inch my way closer and closer to him as we are eating. I can feel my face heating up like as if my house were up in flames. The way he closed his eyes when he ate made me want more of him. I had barely even ate my sandwich, when Lachlan had already finished. "You have barely even touched your food. What's wrong?" "Nothing I just, can we talk?" "Ya sure mate, what is it?" "I'm not the bad boy I pretend to be, I know I may seem unaware in class but that's because I've already finished this weeks homework so I have free time. No one knows this, but I'm the Valid Victorian so and no one can figure out who it is and it's me. I know I am disfiguring but you seem to have put me in this missing puzzle piece I need in my life. And there is something I want to ask you as a person and as a whole." "What is it dood?" He seemed confused... I can't believe I'm about to do this but "Do you want to go on a date this Friday after school? So we get time to get to know each other?" "I'd love too" Lachlan said in a light shade of pink
*Robs POV*

      I was standing behind the bushes the whole time. Listening in on the conversation. I couldn't believe that doodlebanger was valid Victorian. Wait till I out him to the whole school. I couldn't believe that Lachlan said yes. Oh well... time to make a plan.

A/N: little cliff hanger for my loyal subjects. Come back to my Kingdom anytime. Anyway goodnight folks💋
~ Princezz👑

Flowers and Chains AU  (Pooflan)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat