Another Promise.. or another break

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*Preston's POV*

    We had already got home, and no sign of Lachlan anywhere. I figured he was staying with Vikk, so I just rolled with it. Rob and I conversed the whole way home, I know he killed many people, but I mean being in love with a murderer isn't all that bad, right? Its a feeling that I have when I'm with Rob, that I didn't feel for Lachlan. Yes I loved Lachlan, but Rob, there is something about him. Something that makes him more special than the rest.
      We were home after a while of walking, Rob sprinted up to the door faster than I could keep up with. He immediately opened it, and said "For you, my darling." Awww, such a sweetheart. "Thank you, my good sir." I did a little curtsy like the ballerinas do, and went inside. I heard the door slammed behind me, and it made me jump. I felt a hand come up underneath me and scoop me up bridal style. "We have to talk. Before things get any farther." "What do you mean?" Rob carried me over and flopped me in a dining room chair. He poured both of us a glass of ice tea (they are underage so I won't make them drink... XD).
    "Preston, you and I go way back. Farther back than I can ever dream, we've been through the good and bad. When you moved here, it was like I found my soul mate. But then the day you left me, it crushed my heart. Knowing you were here, but not under my arms. My dad killed himself days after, and I still have the flower dagger you gave me to protect myself with. When we broke apart, I spent years trying to get you back. Then Lachlan came and fell in love with you, and I was jealous. I wanted to get revenge, but that is when he was captured. If you would've never of came and spoke to me when I found his phone, none of this would've happened. But now I have you and I want you forever."
    Rob got up and got on a knee. My mind about blew into pieces. "Rob, what's going on?" "Preston Arsement, I love you to death...." He pulled out a little red velvet box. He opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond and rose gold ring. "....this is a promise ring, to promise me you'll be mine forever." I was really stunned. But the words came out of my mouth before I even knew what I was saying. "I promise." He slid the ring on my finger, and kissed me on the side of my neck. I felt shivers run down my spine.
      All of a sudden, the door opens. Lachlan is here. "Shouldn't have left the door unlocked, creepers could come in." Oh shit, I need to hide my ring from Lachlan. I put my hand behind my back, and I could see he had his hand behind his too. "I'm just coming to get my stuff, I'm staying a couple nights with Vikk and his friends." Vikks other friends? Who? I didn't want to bother asking, but I had to see what he was hiding behind his back
      "That's fine, want me to help?" I offered. "Ummm, I mean... uhhh.. if you want too." I followed him upstairs to the bedroom that we share. I realized that I'll have to switch Robs and his room out, so it won't be awkward. It felt weird even thought we just had broken up only an hour or so ago. "Can you go into the bathroom and get my shampoo and stuff." "Anything else?" "Nah, just the main materials." "Alright." I went and gathered up his belongings and put them in his suitcase.

Preston, you have to ask. No. Don't. He will only get mad. Just do it. Don't do it.

   My thoughts were shattering my brain, it wasn't even my thoughts as more as my words. I apparently thought out loud, cause Lachlan said "Ask me what?" "Ummm, that ring where did you get it?" "Someone gave it to me." "Let me see it." I didn't even ask before I grabbed his hand close and examined it. "It has an engraving on it." "Really? I didn't know that! What does it say?" "It says I love you, my little flower boy." "Wait you have a ring too!" He took my hand. "Yours look almost identical to mine. It has an engraving too, it says, I love you, my little chain boy." We just starred blankly at each other, who ever got him his ring, is very lucky. "I better get going, Vikk is waiting on me." "Lachlan is Vikk the one who got you the ring?" "Yes, and Preston is Rob the one who got you the ring?" "Yes. Well, I hope you have fun without me." "What was that? Preston, are you okay?" "No." I started to cry as I looked at my finger, I love Rob more than anything. And I know I said I love him more than anything, even Lachlan. But I... I'm in love with both of them. "Lachlan, one last hug?" "Of course." I watched as one of my tears dripped onto his shirt. I whispered under my breath I'm gonna miss you.


A/N I'm a complicated person. And I love it. I hope you enjoy these depressing chapters. They are more easy and more fun to write. And thanks so much we r so close to 900 reads. 💙 Stay True my loyal subjects. Until next chapter. XD


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