A first for us

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*Mitchs POV* (ooohhhh a new one)

   I heard my phone ring non stop for 15 minutes. Who is it and what could they want? I was in the shower, I couldn't answer it. I called for Jerome. "What do you want mitch? I'm busy." He yelled back. "Answer my phone! It's been ringing forever. I wanna know who it is and I'm in the shower." "Are you decent?" Jerome yelled with extreme concern. "I'm in the shower, so no, but I don't give a shit. Hurry up."
   Jerome walked in with his eyes fully covered. I was laughing as hard as I could. "Its....Rob." He hasn't contacted me in 3 months. Sure, all of us are friends and all, but why would he call nonstop? "Answer it. Now. Something must be wrong." I turned off the shower and got a nice clean towel and wrapped it around my waist. Jerome was still holding my phone, I heard him say some "Okay...Okay... go on" and all that. Jerome got off the phone and looked sick. I asked him what was wrong.
    "We need to pack up... we are headed to RockenVille. I know we are only 16 and live alone... but we have to help Rob. Unfortunately, Preston will be there too. Somehow, after all this time after we moved, they are back in business. I need to order plane tickets, this will be our life savings, but it will be worth it." Jerome just kept looking at me, and I didn't know what to do. "What is all of this about?" I couldn't think of anything else to say. "No time to explain now, get your stuff ready. We leave at midnight."
     I'm so confused as to why he isnt telling me anything that's going on. Why does Rob need help? Why is he friends with Preston again? Ugh... I better get packing. Whatever this was Rob needed back up and I plan to help him. We stick together as one whole, not broken puzzle pieces that need to be put together. We are already put together. In one form

*Preston's POV*

  I called both Kenny and Brandon. I told Kenny about everything. Unfortunately, Brandon didn't pick up. Which is weird, he usually always picks up the phone. Kenny told me he'd fly out from California. That was awesome.
    I was at my house with Rob, we were laying on our stomachs at the foot of the bed making our plan to save Lachlan. He told me that Jerome and Mitch leave at Midnight and they'd be here about 4 in the afternoon. Kenny would be around 3 since it didn't take as long to get here from California. We'd had come up with a perfect plan, and it required lots of training. But I just know we would get through it. Fighting to get him back might be the last thing I ever do, but it's worth it.
    "Um, Preston.. I have to tell you something before we go on a search for your boyfriend." "What is it Rob... you know that w---hejkenrhkfo." Rob quickly put his hand over my mouth and slowly moved it to the side of my cheek. He slowly leaned in and kissed me... but i pulled off instantly. "What was that for?" I asked but he didn't say anything and leaned in again... he kissed me again... but more softly... I didn't pull away this time though.
    Before I could do anything, it turned into a makeout session. He tugged on my shirt a little.. and quickly ripped it off as of when he did the same. I realized what was going to happen, but yet I couldn't stop. He laid me down on the bed, and climbed on top of me... he threw our plan papers off the bed.. and they scattered in every direction. He started to bite the side of my neck.. It felt amazing...everything at once felt amazing.
     It was two hours of heavy breathing.. he got off of me. And laid one little kiss on the part of my neck where had had bit. It lead a soothing relief as of to what had just happened. He looked at me with glaring eyes, and whispered in my ear "Now let's get some sleep, we have a big day of training to start. We have to save Lachlan and get him back home." I replied with out thinking "Lachlan who?" "Your boyfriend silly.."
     Omg, what did I just do? I didn't regret it though, but I should've. I'm with Lachlan, not Rob. Before I could get up Rob already had his head dug up in my chest and was sleeping like a baby. Aww... it was so cute. I mean, I guess this is a first for us.

????'s Assistants POV

   The video cams are working great. I know, my master had me set them up. Wait till I show him the footage I had captured. Lachlan will be so depressed, and It kinda made me sad too. I feel bad for the guy, but I must do what I must do. I have to obey him, otherwise I'll be whipped and sent to the cellar. This is the hardest thing I've ever done. But we have to set up, and conquer. I know the plan and everything, you didn't think that it didn't come with audio did you? I hesitated then called, "Oh master, do I have something to show you."


Uh oh. I have a basketball game tonight like u said last night so only one chapter. I'm sowwy😢. Comment what you think will happen. Stay True my loyal subjects. Come back to my Kingdom!
~ Princezz 👑  

Flowers and Chains AU  (Pooflan)Where stories live. Discover now