Abort mission

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*Vikks POV*

   "I love you too." I was as stunned as he probably was, I loved him for so long and that's all I wanted to hear. Now, it didn't matter if I had him or not. All that matters is I know he loves me. I need to tell Rob to cancel the plan, before its too late. "Lachlan, I got to go. I'll catch up with you later man. Be safe."
     We hung up our call, and I needed to make another one. Please answer, please answer, please answer. Shit, come on pick up. I called again and again. Finally he picked up. "Rob abort mission, abort mission." "What's going on dood?" "I got what I was looking for, no need to put your bestfriends life in danger." "It's already done. No turning back." "You mean?" "Yes, they are gone. Gone forever. I killed them last night." Tears started to fill up in my eyes, I couldn't take it any longer. "Vikk... vikk....vikk?" I didn't say a word and hung up the call.
     I flung myself to where I was buried under a pile of pillows and blankets. I cried my eyes out, this is all my fault. Everything that happened is my fault. If I would've never captured Lachlan, none of the other ones would've been killed. If only I had just asked him to dinner. It would've made the plan a whole lot more simple. I would've never been able to explain Brandon though. My chest aches, knowing what I had done. I have to tell them the truth and if I don't, I'm going to slowly be killing myself. Knowing that what happened, that the people at my house are gone to heaven. I went outside and looked at the sky. "I will Bring you back somehow." I felt a slight tingling sensation coming from my hands, as if they were trying to send me a message. But the thing is, once you die once and die again, you can't be saved. It's all over

*Preston's POV*

*ding dong*

   Who's at the door? Only a few people come to visit us 5, speaking of which I haven't seen Jerome for a while. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Mitch either since yesterday afternoon. Hmmm, maybe they went to a hotel and had some sexy time.
     I went over to the door... "Vikk? What are you doing here?" "I need to talk to you and Lachlan stat. Get him in here I have to make it quick before he sees me." He was panicking, so I went over to him and rubbed his shoulder. "Stop pacing, you're making me nervous. Now who are you talking about, who's he?" "Rob... please go get Lachlan. I'll be on the couch waiting."
     I rushed to get Lachlan out of my room, he was still sleeping. So I did what I do best. I pulled the covers from underneath him. "Five more minutes." I heard him mumble underneath his breath. "Vikk is here." With the sound of that, he sprang up faster than ever. In a way, I was sort of jealous. I'm his chain boy tho, he's not Vikks flower boy either.
    I could hardly keep up with him he was rushing down the stairs so fast. I started to get very angry when Lachlan gave him a huge hug and was twirling him around. I regret comforting him, and I went over and broke their hug. "Enough." I angerly pushed Lachlan back towards me. "Now tell us why you are here"
    Vikk sat down on the couch and Lachlan sat beside him, feeling very angry I squeezed myself in between them. "It hasn't nothing to do with the three of us, it has to do with the murderer. I know why you haven't seen Mitch or Jerome since yesterday." "Why is that?" I asked. "It's because Rob killed them, I don't know where or how. It's because I called him, and I told him to abort the mission. I realized how wrong I was, and now I can't undo what I have done." His hands started to light up as  little. "What's going on with your hands?" "I don't know. They were doing that earlier when I was thinking about trying to bring the guys back... but the point is I'd watch my back, Rob is probably making some evil plan to break you guys apart. I wanted to come and tell you befo---"
     Rob came charging downstairs in a large rampage. "I was wrong, I was so wrong.... Wait what? Vikk why are you here?" I stayed very far away. My arms were wrapped around Lachlan and his were around my waist. "Rob.. I was just leaving. No need to worry." Vikk looked over at us and gave us the don't say anything look.
      I watched as Rob came and sat by us. It made me grasp even tighter onto Lachlan, as he leaned close to us. "Do you mind telling me why Vikk was here?"


A/N oh shit. They are in trouble now. Hope you are enjoying. Comment below #bringmeromeback #bringBrennyback

Tell me what ship you want back idk if I'll add it back or not since they're dead lol. But comment and tell me anyway. Stay True my loyal subjects. Until next chapter. XD


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