Just one call

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*Mitchs POV*

   I've been watching my back for days upon end. I've stayed distant to my bestfriend, no telling what he was going to do to us. My face turns red and my arms get shaky every time he is near us. I never thought that my fiance and I would have to hide from someone we used to consider our bestfriend.
     He sits in his room all day and as you pass you can hear him talk to himself like no other. It makes me feel like I'm in a horror house. Preston and Lachlan seem to be absolutely okay and no harm is going to come to them, pshh, the mind of some people. It is still really hard on us though, I hardly come too the second floor, but when I did. I heard one call, just one. "Benja..." only one person calls me that, and it is only when they are depressed or have a dark secret.
     I hesitated, then answered "Yes....R-Rob?" "Come in for a second." I have to watch at all times no telling what lies are behind that door. Timidly, I walked down and sat beside him. "What's up?" I didn't know what else to say. "There's something I need to talk to you about. It's really important" He seemed to be fine, so I relaxed a little.

*Robs POV*

    He doesn't suspect a thing, I had a dagger in my pocket. The one that Preston gave me as kids, it had my favorite color of daisies painted on the handle. Mitch was one of my bestfriends, not anymore. He is the one who wants me to move on, and I can't let that happen.
    "I've been wanting to tell you this for a while, the night we hooked up, I've never been able to keep my eyes off of you. I never felt this way before..." "... that can't be right.. it isn't true" " Yes, I swear. It's so true, and I owe it all to you."(Who else gets it XD)
"Well I had the time of my life, but I'm engaged. So it's not gonna happen" I got him right where I want him.
    "Are you sure about that?" I pushed him down on the bed and layed on top of him. He started trembling a little... then told me the answer I was looking for..."Yes, I'm sure." I ran my fingers across his throat. "Perfect" "What do you mean perfect? I said nojeiekwk." I tied a cloth around his throat that was in my pocket as well. I grabbed the dagger and held it to his throat. "No sense it screaming, it will only make things worse." He struggled, so I dug the knife right into the Adam's apple, killing him instantly. I had no idea what to do with the body so I put it under my bed.
     Thank the Lord for timing, Jerome had just walked in. "Where's Mitch? "I'm taking him out to dinner soon." "You really want to know?" "Yes I do." I lifted up my sheet cover to reveal the dead body. "You--- you murdjejfkfodl" once he saw, I knew he'd tell the others. I made it quick. One slice, and he's down. I shoved the body of his under with Mitch. Blood covered the floor and stained the carpet. I don't know how I am going to explain all of this. I'll say I cut myself shaving or something. The bodies will lay under my bed till I know what to do with them. As of now the only thing I have to worry about is getting Preston for myself.

*Lachlans POV*

    My life has been a complete wreck since the mall, I realized that I had completely ditched Vikk for Preston. The one who betrayed me in the first place. I know now that feelings stick and I need to make just one call.
   I went to the back yard, my hands were all shaky. I dialed the number that I never thought I would call. "Hello?" "I'm sorry." That's all I could say, knowing how heart broken he was after I forgave Preston for everything. "Who is calling and why are you sorry?" "Its Lachlan, and yes I got a new phone after the incident. I just wanted to say sorry for betraying you..." "It's okay little Lachy, you meant no harm..." I- I have to get this off my chest. "Vikk I need to tell you something?" "What is it?" "I... I love you."


A/N uh oh. I'm sick. Sorry if chapters aren't as good as normal. But anyway Stay True my loyal subjects. LOVE YOU ALL THANKS SO MUCH FOR 600 READS like yessss. Until next chapter.


Ps best video ever :P


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