A sneaky breakthrough

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*Mitchs POV*

   Apparently, Lachlan hasn't seen the footage. Nor has Kenny or Brandon. So it's gonna be hard to track down the location. But I have to destroy the evidence. If the cameras were set up, they have proof. Jerome will dump me as a fiance and I will loose my best friend.
    I went back into the mall and told Jerome I was going to bathroom. Of course I was lying. I seen the place that Rob and the man were talking at. I looked at the table that layed in the middle of the mall. Someones phone was sitting there, I opened the picture of the lock screen. It was gratefully the guy that was talking to Rob. Wait what is Lachlan doing with him?
    I put the puzzle pieces together. It all made since. Lachlan was in love with the kidnapper. Who ever it was, they didn't even put a password on their phone, what a noob. I was walking through the mall and scrolling through the phone. I found pictures of everything. From the time Lachlan was captured, to now, when they are appearently "in love". I knew Preston would be pissed, since Lachlan was hiding this from him. But I couldn't say anything, I was hiding the biggest secret from the love of my life.
     Oh my God, I found it. I really found the location. It's here. Where the capturing was, the location of the cameras. It's all here. The biggest thing was, it was right under our noses the entire time. In the woods, behind LaVelire. I have to get there before anyone else.
    I stuffed the phone in my back pocket and headed out to the car, Rob and the guys were waiting for me. "Where's the other three?" "They are headed back with what's his face. The kidnapper. He's letting them go. He felt bad, and he treated them well." Rob stated. Why would a kidnapper treat them well? Oh ya, I have the pictures to prove it. Nevermind that, I just have the phone to get the address.
    We pulled up at Preston's house and walked in. Jerome said he was going to take a walk, I wonder where too? We went straight up to his room, the other boys will be here soon, and then it is time to make a sneaky breakthrough. I'll be out for a while. This is going to be a rebellious. But I'm doing it out of love.

*Time skip to midnight, Jerome is still out."walking". Vikk dropped the boys off at the mall and Rob picked them up and brought them back to Preston's. Mitch has headed out of the house. And has took Preston's car out. Vikk is already back at his house."

*Jerome's POV*

   I had seen where the car that they were kidnapped in, I seen where it was going.. it was about three cars ahead of us. It was headed to... Wait is that the way of LaVelire? As soon as we pulled up to the house I told the guys I was going on a walk.
     It was already midnight, I had been walking for miles after miles. Then finally the place, this place sure has memories. And not very good ones. The day Preston hurt himself and had to go to the hospital. (Ugghhh DX ).  So many places people could go. I walked behind the building and towards the dumpster. I guess it hasn't been cleaned in a while, the blade was still sitting on top from where I guess the paramedics dropped it. I'm getting the good vibes this place has to be around here somewhere. I seen the woods... the woods looked black. Maybe I should turn back. Then I looked down at my finger, the ring that Mitch got me when I was a child. I smiled and realized that if I wanna save my relationship with my finance, I have to make a sneaky breakthrough.
    I measled my way through the dark and crowded woods, and I finally saw a small shadow figure of a house. I kept walking closer and closer, to when. YES, the car I was looking for. Why is Preston's car here?
   I made my way to the door. It was a crooked house. Mainly wooden planks on the outside, but still a decent size. I had a gift card and toothpick in my pocket that I used to pick the lock with. I measled my way inside the house, being very careful not to disturb any presence.
   I heard footsteps, shit someone is coming. I found a closet and made my way inside it and shut the door. This guy has really nice stuff for a kidnapper. It was about 40 mins I had been hiding. Whoever was out there, had gone upstairs and turned on the shower. This is my chance.
   I slowly opened the closet, and shut it gently. Most people keep their secret stuff in bedroom. So I'll look there. After carefully tiptoe-ing past the bathroom. I found the bedroom I opened the door slowly. "Mitch? Is that you?" "JEROME I'm so sorry" "I am too Mitch." "Jerome did you hook up with Rob?" "Yes, and you Mitch?" "Yes, that dirty little whore. I'm so sorry Jerome I wanted to destroy the evidence. But now you know so." "And now you know too." "My little bacca, Promise no more secrets?" "I promise my little Mitchypoo." We hugged and gave each other a kiss. No more secrets for good, at least I hope not.
   We carefully snuck out and went back to Preston's. The boys were there already. We had a welcome celebration. Gosh, I hope no more secrets.


A/N sorry for late post but I had a game and I have one tomorrow too. Ughh lol anyway hope you enjoyed. Stay True my loyal subjects. Come back to my Kingdom next chapter


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