Secret Thoughts

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*Robs POV*

   I covered my eyes. "I hope that's whipped cream." I told them. But they said nothing at all. I went upstairs to the guest room. Which is the one I stayed in. "Can this get any worse?" I said lightly to myself. I shut the door leaving Kenny and Brandon to their business. I went to the only room I figured was safe, Preston's room. Boy was I wrong.
    My only escape was the bathroom, I locked the door and slid down it crying my eyes out, I wanted Preston so bad that I promised to kill my bestfriends. But I kept thinking to my self that it is all going to be okay in the end. Nothing is going to go wrong. It's not going to go how you're dad did.

*Flashback to Robs childhood*

   My dad is my true hero. We did everything together. My mom is a drug addict and hasn't taken care of me since I was born. All she does is lay in the house and worry about taking her meth and cocaine. Me and my dad are very close. He takes me to get ice cream everynight, and lets me build flower crowns from his garden.
    It takes us months to grow them, but tangling the lily's and pansies makes me feel like I have new meaning. I sit on his lap and he gives me all the love. "Come on son, let's go take a ride." I took my flower crown and the daisies I had picked from him and took them in the truck.
    We pulled up at an old street corner, he had his gun in his pocket just in case something bad was to happen to me and he had to use it in defense. "Little Robbie, this is where your mother and I first met. We were both headed to the local hangout called Teen Town. It was by the old highschools weight room. I met her and she was the most beautiful woman I had layed eyes on. Unfortunately, that changed when I married her. She started taking drugs, and is where she is today. When you get a wife son, Promise me you will love her to the day you die. I love your mother to pieces and I don't want anything to happen to her. I just wish she would stop what she was doing" I cringed to hear the word wife. Days after Preston left me for telling him that I'm gay, my dad had to say the word wife. "Anyways, son I just wanted to show you. So that despite the differences. Love is love. And no matter what, you shouldn't think that if you love someone that is in love with someone else, doesn't mean they don't love you back."
    We got back into the car and he ruffled my hair. The gun still in his back pocket. It made me worried something bad was going to happen. When we pulled up to our house, there was another car there. My dad looked wide eyed. "Stay here son, I'll be back." He got out of the truck and ran inside.
    I snuck out and followed straight behind him, I hid behind the giant flower pot that layed beside the kitchen island. I seen my mom was with another man. They were on the floor, hugging each other as tight as they could.
    I moved angles to be able to see better. My dad had the gun pointed straight towards them. I had never seen this side of him before. I heard over in on their conversation.

Dad: "You loved me and then you did this? How could you?"

Mom: "I love him, it's my choice who I love. I never wanted to be with you."

My dads hands were shaking as held the gun.

Dad: " I did everything for you, I've hid you from the police. I've been to many courthouses so you wouldn't go to jail. I loved you, and I still do. Either let go of him or its gonna be the end for the both of us."

Mom: "I'm not letting go."

Dad: "Then you leave me no choice."

He took his shaking hand and held it to her, pulling the trigger as the gun shot hit her in the heart. The man looked at him, "You don't have to worry about me either." My dad pointed the gun at the side of his head and pulled the trigger once again. I witnessed the entire thing. My dad fell to the ground as his lifeless hand let go of the gun. The man who once held my mom in his arms seen me, and I turned away quickly. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I pushed him away. "It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you." "You made this happen." "She told me she was single" That bitch. She planned this. "Im okay" I said as the tears flowed down my face, the man wiped my tears. "Ill take care of you, I'm Matt. I'll always be here for you. I'll love you for who you are." He hugged me tightly.

*end of Flashback*

   From this point forward I've known Matt as my dad.
  My eyes were still flowing water as I heard banging at the door. I opened it slowly, and all of the guys were standing there watching me cry. I must've been in there for at least an hour. They all ran and hugged me, and I realized that I shouldn't let love get the best of me. But it did and I still hadn't changed my mind. Preston is going to be mine in the end even if it kills me.


A/N Kind of cried writing this. But I hope you all enjoyed. Thanks so much for 400 reads. My story is growing so fast. And I never expected it to get this far I love you guys so much. Until next chapter. Stay True my loyal subjects.
~ Princezz👑

Flowers and Chains AU  (Pooflan)Where stories live. Discover now