The Mall- Part 2

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*Preston's POV*

   He was standing right there. Right in front of me. But how? He was gone from me. But yet he was standing there right in front of me. Somebody pinch me, I must dreaming. "L-Lachlan?" "Yes it's me" "But I thought you were..." "Yes, I was. And I still am. But we are friends. I refused to come home after I heard what had happened between you and Rob." He knows? But how?
   "Lachlan I'm sorry. I didn't know what came to my mind. I had remembered that I was behind the dumpster in LaVelire. Then I was in then the hospital." I felt so bad, and I couldn't come up with the right words. We were drawing a crowd. Eventually the whole entire coffee shop was surrounding us. We were having an argument in the middle of it. Then Lachlan continued, "I'm not talking about the hospital, I'm talking about the night you were making the plan to save me. You hooked up with Rob." "And how would you know  that? " "Because of the camer...." He put his hand over his mouth. The whole crowd was in a gasp.
    "What the hell do you mean, cameras?" "The ones that Brandon.. you know it doesn't matter." "Wait what do you mean Brandon, I don't know what's going on." At that moment, Brandon stepped through the crowd and right to me. I instantly ran up and tried to hug him. He pushed me away. I was in shock when Kenny stepped through too. "I...I... have no words. Where have you been?" "I was trapped with him, but I loved living with him. And after what you did, I didn't want to be your friend. Lachlan loved you, and I thought he moved on but he apparently didn't."
     Rob and some guy were having a conversation in the background. He was dark skinned, and had really thick eyebrows. I wonder who he was. All I know is that my friends are safe, and I didn't care. Despite my argument with them, and the whole kidnapping deal, no one was surprised to hear about the cameras or anything. I still think it's wrong what the kidnapper made them do. But I know my friends and boyfriend are safe.
    I replied to Kenny "Let's take this outside." Everyone scattered off, and went back to doing their business. Rob and the man were still talking in the background. I took Lachlan, Brandon, and Kenny outside. I called Mitch and Jerome on their phones and agreed to meet me outside since I told them Rob was talking to someone. They walked outside and were in complete shock.
    "Who's this?" Jerome raised an eyebrow. "Guys... this is... Brandon...Kenny... and my boyfriend, Lachlan." "How did you? Where did you? Are you serious?" "Yes I'm serious.. he came up behind me in the coffee shop. He told me everything, unfortunately, they knew everything that happened.. and everything we did... I apologized sincerely. But now I know where my two friends are and where he is. Right in my arms." Jerome and Mitch looked at each other nervously. It seemed like a look of distrust.

*Jerome's POV*

Oh shit. If they know everything. Then why didn't he mention the night I broke Mitchs trust. I asked Mitch to be my husband. But a few nights later, I hooked up with Rob. If there are camera's, there is evidence. I must find this guys house, and destroy the evidence.

*Mitchs POV*

Oh shit. If they know everything. Then why didn't he mention the night I broke Jeromes trust. Jerome asked me to be his husband. But a few nights later, I hooked up with Rob. If there are camera's, there is evidence. I must find this guys house, and destroy the evidence.

*Robs POV*

   What the actual fudge? Why was just suddenly left, I was crushed. Just like the day of their first date. But it wasn't Lachlan I wanted it was Preston. A guy motioned me to come over. I was skeptical about talking to strangers, but why not take a chance. What is the worst that could happen?
    "Hello, I'm Vikk...." The guy with the amazing eyebrows said... Wait don't I know that name from somewhere and doesn't he look strangely familiar. "You are Rob, aren't you?" How does he know my name? "Yes, I am. But how do you know my name?" "Promise not to tell?" "Anything right now, I promise." "So, I'm the one who kidnapped Lachlan, Kenny, and already had Brandon for a couple months... you remember me from Walmart don't you? I'm the worker who told you to get out" So that's where I know him from! "Yes, I remember you. What's your point?" "The point is, I know you want Preston and I want Lachlan." He put his forehead real close and put his finger up to my chest. "If we want this to happen we have to eliminate. That means getting rid of everyone. Trust me, I made friends with Kenny and Brandon, but they are in the way. Mitch and Jerome are in the way too." "So what are you saying?" I seen that Preston and the guys already left. "You... me... Saturday. Here at 2 o'clock. We have a lot to discuss."


A/N basketball again tomorrow. And Tuesday. I'll write in 7th and 8th hour to get the next chapter done. Hope you guys are enjoying. Stay True my loyal subjects!! I love you all. I can't believe that I made it this far. Come back to my Kingdom next chapter.

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