The Note

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*Vikks POV*

    I woke up the next to Lachlan... his head rested on my chest and arms wrapped around me tightly. I knew that I was dominant, but I wanted the feeling of being under for once, if you know what I mean. I managed to get my arm loose and fluffed his hair just enough to wake him up.
      "Wake up sleepy pants, time to get ready." He moaned and swatted my hand away. I shoved him off the bed in a playful motion. "Fine. Fine. I'll get ready." He pleaed. I watch him as he shuffled out of the door and into the bathroom. It was really cute to be honest. I went and found where each of the couples were sleeping. Merome was on the sofa. I couldn't find Brenny, but I eventually found them in my old computer office.
      I woke all of them up, they got ready, and we were headed to the mall. I hope this doesn't go as bad as last time, this mall has memories. All bad ones. Lachlan and I were so close at that point, and Preston had to come and steal him back. No matter what, I have to keep him on our side. As we were driving I gave the guys a pep talk, telling them if they happened to see Preston or Rob report back to us immediately. They all agreed, I guess you could say we were kind of becoming good friends, even though they were just reincarnated last night.
     We arrived, instantly, looks were shot at us. I didn't give a single shit now, I was proud of who I was. I took Lachlans hand, and strutted in like we were Queen Bees. "Remember what I said, now go knock your socks off." "Thanks again. You didn't have to do this." "But I did. Now run along."

*Brandons POV*

    When I was a slave, why did I not notice that he was so nice? He is probably the nicest kidnapper of all time, and I believe that he has changed. Changed in a good way. We split off. I took Kenny's hand and went straight to the buckle. I decided to buy most of my clothes there. Except for a few graphic tees in hot topic. Kenny went with the same plan I did.. I wonder how the others are doing.

*Mitchs POV*

    Jerome is like a little kid when shopping, I never can go anywhere with him without him saying "I want this or I want that." Today, we had the money to get whatever we want. As we headed into Hollister, I didn't take him but for a second with the "I want this" stuff. "Babe, you have the money. Just get it." "YAY!" He shouted. Making a couple people stare.
      We payed then I about drug him out of the store by his ear. "Calm down." I told him. "Okay, but I want ice creeeeeeammmm." He stomped his foot at me. "You sound like a two year old. Quit." "Fine." He crossed his arms and talked in a baby voice. "Now you're just doing it on purpose." He smiled and then winked at me.
       I took him to the ice cream shop that was in the mall. We ate, then headed off again. BBAB was packed, there was a huge sale going on. One thing stood out to me, I could hear cries. Cries of someone that I knew. But I couldn't put my finger on it. As we kept walking, the cries were getting louder and louder. They were coming from in between the giant rugs. (You know what I'm talking about)
     Jerome started to notice it too. "Wanna check it out?" I asked him. "Yes" As we approached, we were careful. "One, two, three." I mouthed as I pulled the curtain back, we both wanted to run as of to whom was behing there. "Mitch? Jerome?! Am I in heaven?!" "No, you're not. We aren't even supposed to be talking to you." "But you are dead." "Long story, but may we bother asking why you are there?" Tears were running down his face, I can't believe Preston was here. I looked down to see he had a notepad. Hidden behind it was a gun.
"And why do you have a gun?" He said nothing. And got up and ran off, a piece of paper fell out of his pocket. Most of it was wet from I was assuming tears and had smudged. The only words I could make out was 'He probably thinks I'm bluffing.'


A/N awwww. I hope you guys are enjoying. Stay True my loyal subjects. Until next chapter. XD also celebrating almost 1k reads ARGH.

~Princezz 👑

Flowers and Chains AU  (Pooflan)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora