Another blame

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*Mitchs POV*

   Rob and the guys were gone for a while. I haven't had any clue as of to where they would be. I jumped as a pounding on the door rumbled. I opened it to reveal Rob sobbing his eyes out. "What's wrong?" I asked rubbing and patting his back. I seemed as though something horrorible just happened. "Where's the other two?"
    Rob flopped down on the couch still crying more than ever.. I sat down beside him putting my arm around him trying my best attempt to comfort. "They're gone" He whimpered. "What do you mean they're gone?" "We were going to the place I told you about, and as soon as we got out, someone pulled a gun out and killed them" Rob kept whining and wiping his eyes. "Who killed them?" I asked. "I-I don't know. It isn't like I was trying to study his face... I had to get out of there before I was killed too. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to my room." He jumped from the couch and sprinted as fast as he could.
    Jerome came in the room and saw that I was starting to cry. He came and planted a small kiss on my cheek. "Babe, what's the matter? You know I don't like when you cry." He took his hand and wiped my tears away from my eyes. "Brandon and Kenny... they got killed. Rob said someone shot them when they were getting out of the car." Jerome started to tear up too. "How are we going to tell Preston and Lachlan?" He asked me, tears starting to run down his face. "I don't know, but we are going to have too. Sooner or later."
    Just a moment after we were walking up the stairs, we both saw a flash of light. Brandon and Kenny were standing right in front of us. "How is this possible?" "You have to listen to us... promise us." I looked over at Jerome and he nodded. "We promise." "Rob is the one who killed us, Brandon is your guardian angel Mitch, and I am Jerome's...." Kenny exclaimed then continued, "I have to warn you, he's out for you too. He's killing off his 'friends' to get Preston's back." "You guys are liars." I screamed. "Don't say we didn't say we didn't warn you." They vanished off. "Jerome, there is no way. No way in hell" "If you think about it Mitch, he has been acting timid to us lately." "Yea true, but it all doesn't add up. If they are really our guardian angels, then they'll protect us, right?" "Right." "Now whatever comes to us in the end, we will always be together. If you die, I die." "Thanks Mitchypoo" "No problem babe" I layed a short peck on his lips. "We have to warn the other two."

*Preston's POV*

   I heard a knock coming from the door. Lachlan had just went in my bedroom bathroom to get a shower. I opened slowly and seen that Rob was crying very hard. "What's wrong?" "I need to tell you something before Mitch and Jerome do." "What is it?" "Brandon and Kenny are both dead. Someone killed them at the restaurant I took them too." I laughed a little and replied "Don't be silly Rob I know this is just a prank." "If only it was." At that moment, I realized that he wasn't joking, and then I started to cry very heavy.
    Rob dried up his tears, and gave me a hug. I think I know where this is going. Ron leaned in closer and closer to my face and rubbed my cheek. "I'm here for you." He whispered, then layed a soft kiss on my lips. I shoved him off "What the hell are you doing? I have a boyfriend." "Just enjoy it" Rob then picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist and slammed me against a wall like no other. He kissed me and kissed me, and I tried to pull away but couldn't.
   "P-Preston?" I knew that familiar Australian accent. Lachlan with a towel wrapped him, started charging at Rob like the day I charged at him at LaVelire. Lachlan was really strong and shoved Rob off and threw him on the bed. "Mess with him again, and it'll be the end of you." "No Lachlan, it'll be the end of you. Farewell my little Preston you know you love me." Rob blew me a kiss and I actually started to blush then he left the room. Luckily Lachlan didn't notice. "It wasn't what it looked like." "I believe you babe. Now I know how you felt at LaVelire."
   Mitch and Jerome walked in soon after. "Preston, Lachlan. We have important news. Rob is the one who killed Brandon and Kenny. He's out for us next, I guess you can't even trust your bestfriend anymore." "I bet Vikk has something to do with it." Lachlan blurted. "Wait... who is Vikk?" I asked him. "My kidnapper. Now I'm going to find out what the fudge is going. Maybe Vikk is behing all this and Rob is just another blame." Lachlan then sprinted off towards the car. We all took off after him and jumped inside. He started the engine and we headed off. I wanna know who this Vikk guy is, I have some words for him.


A/N hope you are enjoying. I'm having so much fun writing this. What do you think Preston is gonna do? Stay tuned. Stay True my loyal subjects!!

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