The Mall Part 1

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*Lachlans POV*

   We haven't ever gone out of the house. Not even for food. Vikk is the one that has to do all of the work. He is the one that has to get groceries. And do all the clothes shopping. We can't leave because then Vikk will be charged with a felony for endangerment.
   After getting agitated he told us to get in disguise, and we had to go pick out some of our own stuff. The mall was in rush hour, but this is the only time stuff is half off, so yeah good time to shop, but bad of getting caught. I hope we don't see anyone there we know. Otherwise, my secret, Kenny's, Brandons, and especially Vikks would be completely revealed. This is going to be hard, but I have a feeling we would be successful.
   I got dressed, I put on a hoodie of Vikks that no one would know. And some skinny jeans, I never wore skinny jeans and a pair of circle shades (the hippie kind). Brandon wore a button down flannel and boot cut jeans. Kenny wore a nice button down with a blazer. These were all Vikks clothes, so they fit each of us very uniquely.
     Surprisingly, instead of the junk car I was in the trunk of when I got captured, Vikk had a really nice Grey 2016 Mustang Convertable. We all piled inside, and Vikk got in the driver's seat. "Ready to go boys?" He asked us. "As ready as I'll ever be." He glared at me, despite me liking him and us being friends now, I was still kind of scared of him.
    Our car pulled up at the mall soon later. Wait did I see... no I'm just seeing things. We all jumped up out of the car. Vikk looked at me, and held out his hand. I let my fingers wrap around his. I looked over at Brandon and Kenny. It seems they have something going on between them too. They were poking and giggling at each other the entire time. "Just hold hands already, we see you" I told them. They both smiled and gripped each other's hands. We walked into the mall and we instantly got glares, I finally realized what it was for. It wasn't because they knew who I was, it was because a group of gay guys just walked in. I didn't mind the looks everyone gave us, but I did mind the discrimination in the stores. Lots of "a group came in just like you, and we didn't offer them service. So no service for you either."
    We hardly even got anything, mostly stuff from HotTopic and stores like that. We kept walking through the mall, and decided to stop at Cowboys Coffee to get a drink. Thank God they aloud LGBT members in here.
      "We have to go." I stated. "But why there is nothing to go for... we aren't doing anything wrong." Brandon said scratching his head. "Look... to ...your... left." I said. We all turned our heads, and there he was. Preston.. with Rob, Mitch, and Jerome. Laughing having a great time... they didn't notice us luckily. But Mitch and Jerome were whispering to them. I didn't think they knew it was me. They walked out of the coffee shop.
    I put on my shades and went closer to them. Vikk asked if I wanted him to come with me. I said that, that was fine. I was easedropping on their conversation. Here is what I heard:

Preston: "Rob stop, I've told you a thousand times."

Rob: "But the day at the hospital. You said you loved me"


Rob: "Okay, okay. Fine. But do you think that we are too late?"

Preston: "No I think that he is still out there. Rob I know that this is stupid, but he is a flower boy just like you and he is my flower boy. Whatever happened between us is over. Lachlan, he's the one. I loved him since the day we met. And I want him to be mine forever."

   Awww. What a sweetheart. I know I said I was mad before, but after what I just heard. I can't be. I walked away from Vikk, "Lachlan what are you...."
   "Then I will be yours forever. I'll be your flower boy" Preston jumped as I put my arms around his waist. "L-Lachlan?"

*Rob and Vikks thoughts* (They are the same)

    I was so pissed. I wanted him. (Vikk-Lachlan and Rob-Preston) this isn't over.


A/N  Reunited once again. Or is it too late? I love you all! Stay True my loyal subjects.

Flowers and Chains AU  (Pooflan)Where stories live. Discover now