One down. One missed. One Dead.

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^^ Little Edit for you to brighten the mood. :)

*Vikks POV*

   I'm so happy Rob had agreed to this. It made everything worth while. I haven't told him much, because I still don't exactly know how my plan will make Preston and Lachlan break up. But somehow it'll come to me. Brandon and Kenny are both useless and are in the way. Either A) Rob has to hurry up, or B) I'm going to have to do it myself.
     I've been laying on the couch days and countless nights thinking about how Rob is going to kill the ones I used to call my friends... that were once my slaves? And I wonder what it is going to be like when they are gone, it seems as though they didn't matter to me. Maybe I am still evil at heart. It just worries me that Rob is going to shoot the wrong person, or in the worst case....himself. My life has no meaning without Lachlan, I just want him for my own. And not just a sex slave. I figured that when I captured him he would fall for me, but he didn't. He never moved on, and neither did I move on from the feelings I have.

*Robs POV*

   "BRANDON, KENNY! COME HERE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. They came scrambling down the stairs faster than wild banchees. "What is it?" Brandon asked. "I won a trip to a restaurant in the forest near Oakley. I need two other guests. And I want you two to come with." "Why don't just ask Mitch and Jerome?" "They're busy" I lied. "Why not Preston and Lachlan?" Kenny asked. "They're busy too." I stilled lied. "Now come on, lets go"
    They walked out in front of me. "Let me run to the bathroom. Wait in the car." "Okay" They walked out. I ran to Preston's gun cabinet, and grabbed the smallest pistol gun I could find and shoved it into my back pocket. We are going out as three and coming back as one.
    The gun still inside my pocket, I sat in the front seat and started driving towards "the restraunt" while Mrs. Potato Head by Melanie Martinez was playing. We pulled up to the parking spot that I had planned out perfectly. "We're here" I told them. "This doesn't look like any ordinary restraunt" Kenny told me. Great, now he's suspicious I can't let him know my secret.
    The flower covered restraunt was outstanding. I had actually never been there before, so my eyes were just as astounding as theirs. "Order whatever you like boys, it's all on me, since it's free and all." They chuckled and went in. I grabbed a brochure. Looks like their is a catacomb here somewhere. Pretty convenient. We ate and dined then I went up to the counter to pay with my "free" pass, aka, my wallet. That damn meal cost me 300 dollars.
    "So now that you are all full, you need some exercise. There is a catacomb where the original owners are buried. We can hike there instead of taking a tour guide." They both groaned and followed me anyway. The gun still rests in my back pocket, loaded, waiting for the trigger to be pulled.

*Brandons POV*

   Why did he want to go to the catacombs so fudging badly? Maybe dead people interested him. I don't even know. The path was quite long and my stomach was about to explode. I looked over at Rob and saw he had something in his hands, a chain. Big enough to be clipped around someones hand or ankle.
    "Watcha got there?" I asked him. "Oh, this? I found it on the sidewalk. I'm going to return it to the catacombs. I think someone tried to steal it or something." He's lying about something. I know it. Kenny was just walking along the trail paying no attention to where he was going. He than ran into a wall. " I think we are here." Kenny said rubbing his head like he just got a concussion. "No shit." I replied then stuck my tounge out. "Come on, lets head in.." Rob eagerly told us. I held out my hand for Kenny since he was acting kind of nervous, but I was too.
   The catacombs were so damp and cold. My nose sniffled and dripped. Kenny was shivering, but Rob seemed just fine, only he was still carrying the chains in his hand. We made our way to the sight everyone was so happy too see. The dead bodies left a creepy sensation throughout my entire body. "I think that we better leave, I don't have a good feeling about this place."
   "Oh you're not going anywhere." I looked at Rob he was headed over to Kenny and I with the chains. "W-what are y-you doing?" "My time has come to eliminate, I want Preston for myself and you two are in the way." He shoved us down and started chaining us to the wall, only when we squirmed the chains got tighter. "You didn't think that I actually considered us friends do you? So nieve, so delicate" He pulled something out of his back pocket, a gun and a flower. He threw the flower over to Kenny. "Here take this. It's the last thing you will remember." "What do you mean?" His hands were shaking rapidly, I tried to block my body to his, but it was too late. "You monster." I kissed Kenny's lifeless body on the forehead. "I love you." I whispered to him.
    "Now its your turn" I closed my eyes and said my prayers. I heard the shot. But the bullet missed me. "That was my last bullet, thanks for moving." "No problem." "I guess I'll leave you here to starve." Rob walked off, and I realized that I had no choice. The love of my life was dead. I took the chains and put them around my neck. I cut the blood flow off and watched as my soul travel up to heaven. "Brandon?" "Kenny?" He was in heaven with me. I looked down and realized that we were both going to be guardian angels and on the same people. "We have to watch out for them." Kenny told me. "Yes very carefully."


A/N Long chapter because I have to play in the band hope you enjoy. Sorry for the sad chapter. Stay True my loyal subjects.
~ Princezz👑

Flowers and Chains AU  (Pooflan)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon