Have it back

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*Lachlans POV*

   That hug sparked something, something I've been missing for a long while. It was only hours after our break up and I already promised Vikk that I'd be with him. At the heat of the moment, I felt like I had to say yes. But, we brought Brandon, Kenny, Jerome, and Mitch back, they said our love was something like no other... Ugh I think I'm in love with both of them, I just need to let my heart decide on what to do. It isn't like there is a ticking time bomb waiting for me to pick some one at that moment.
    Vikk and I went through McDonald's, like we promised. After getting the lost cause SOMEONE took a wrong turn. We finally made it home. All the guys were sitting on the couch watching television, when Jerome started over at us like a rabbit. "Food! GIMME!" He reached his hand in a grabby motion like a child. "Wait for the others to come in the kitchen." Vikk demanded. Jerome yelled with colourful words. "BRANDON, KENNY, MITCHYPOO GET YOUR FU***** BI*** A** SH**HEADS IN HERE I'M HUNGRY."
     They all came rushing in very frantically, and I was just sitting in there waiting very politely. I hid the ring, because I knew the others would ask. But it wasn't long before someone noticed. "Lachlan, that's a  nice ring. Where did you get it?" Kenny asked me. Before I could even speak, Vikk blurted "I got him the ring. It's because I want him to be mine forever. And I never want to leave his side." Great. Now it's public.
     "So.. you guys are like... a couple?" Mitch was talking with food in his mouth. "I mean.. ya..I gu--" I was cut off by a loud banging at the door. "Open up." The voice screamed. It almost sounded like the FBI. I looked over at Vikk and he shrugged and shook his head like he didn't know who was at the door. No one would get up, so I had to be the bigger man. The door knob was giggling harder and harder. It sounded like someone was trying to break in.
     I grabbed the knob and pulled it open slowly. I didn't expect Preston to be here, he just looked at me. "What do you want? I'm eating." "I'm sorry to bother you. I-I just can't live without you. I know it's only been a few hours but it's been the worst hours of my life. I just wanted to tell you.. " "Tell me what?" Preston pulled me outside and shut the door. "... that I love you."
      "Preston we can't do this now. This isn't the right time I promise you." "But I walked all the way here for you just to tell you I love you, and you can't say it back?" "Things are just complicated and to words I can not describe, I loved you, but I just can't say it back when things are like this." "Alright then, fine, have it your way. You won't love me, then you can't have your love." "What do you mean by that?" "Lachlan, I'll always love you, and you'll soon find that out."
      He started to walk off, but I did nothing. I said nothing, I had no actions to describe what had just happened. My mind had nothing but to think, just think. I thought his statement over and over. I realized that he wasn't going to do anything to me, but he was going to hurt Vikk, and hopefully since he didn't know about the others, he wouldn't hurt them as long as he doesn't know. I have to warn the others. And I have to make it quick, before something terrible happens.

*Robs POV*

    "Where have you been? I was starting to get worried." I told Preston as he came stomping through the door. "I was no where, with no one." He answered. "What the hell, you were gone for a while, I just want you to be safe." He looked angry, as if someone just shut him out of their life. "I have to kill them." Preston stated. "Kill who?" "Vikk and Lachlan. It makes me absolutely sick. I can't stand it!"
      He slammed his fist into the wall, which broke the sheet rock. "Preston calm down, what did they do to you?" "I'd rather not talk about it, I just want them gone before I have to see them again. You know I loved Lachlan.. why did you have to do all this to me? You never should've came clean, then mine and Lachlans relationship would've been fine." His statement really made me upset, "You know what? I'm going to bed. I can't listen to this bullshit. I'm going to work on getting my bestfriends back. I'll talk to you in the morning." "Here have your ring back." He threw the ring at me, I just left it on the ground and stormed off.


A/N yay! I'm back! Idek where this chapter went. It went from sweet to spicy! I hope you enjoyed also celebrating almost 950 reads it means so much! Love you all so much! Stay True my loyal subjects! Until next Chapter XD


Flowers and Chains AU  (Pooflan)Where stories live. Discover now