Too Close

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*listen to Too Close by Next. And you'll get the refrence.*

*Jerome's POV*

   Three days later, Rob received a call from the hospital. Preston was due to be realised. "Are you coming?" Rob asked me. "Nah, Imma stay here with Mitch. You go, he's yours after all." "Omg, I'm not with him. Shut up." Rob exited the room and slammed the door. I flinched a little.
    Mitch quickly ran downstairs after what he had heard. "Little arugment" I said to him. "Ight. Lemme guess over..." "Preston, yes" I interrupted. "He's going to get him and bring him home now, but they might stop and eat. So we have some time to ourselves." I winked at him.
    "You know, we have actually never had our first dance as couple. Or better yet my fiance.... I know times have been tough and we are trying to get Preston's friend back and his boyfriend. But we have hardly any time to ourselves." Mitch had a point. We never really had any time to ourselves.
    I looked over and saw that Preston's place had a radio. I told Mitch to go get changed into casual/ formal clothes. It was going to be a special night. I rummaged a little through Preston's closet, lol whoops, and I found a nice suit and tie. I heard the shower turn on up stairs. Awww, he's even cleaning up for me.
    I started to turn on the music. Then I realized, you know I don't need all this stuff for our night.. what we have is special enough. I went upstairs, the shower still running. I opened the bathroom door, Mitch always leaves the door unlocked. The steamed poured out onto my face, and the feeling was amazing. He was singing and didn't notice me.
    I quickly opened the shower, and he jumped. I hopped in too. "Our special night doesn't have to end with a fairy tail, but everyday is a fairy tail with you." I whispered to Mitch. He kissed me on the cheek. I looked over to see that Preston had a blue tooth speaker in the shower. I turned it on, and held out my hand "May I have this dance?" I asked Mitch "It would be my pleasure." He said delightfully. I changed the song... it was playing Too Close by Next. The lyrics fell perfectly, a little too perfectly. 

Oh, you're dancing real close
Cuz it's real, real slow
(You know what you're doing, don't you)
You're making it hard for me.

A little too precise. This moment was so special. I wondered if anyone else was doing the same thing as us. Sharing this moment.

*Vikks POV*

   Wow... I can't believe I'm falling for the person I kidnapped. I knew it was love at first sight when I saw him, Preston and Rob and their "Pack" are already too late. I did this on purpose. Making them have to make up their rivalry, just to try to save Lachlan. I knew that they would fall for each other. So I could have Lachlan all to myself. Like I said they're too late.
    I heard Kenny coming from the kitchen. I started to make and become friends with both my other slaves. They were'nt bad people, and I realized that I did wrong. Kenny and Brandon charged in like maniacs.. Lachlan was taking a nap on the couch. His ankle healed... which I'm glad for. He quickly sprang up when he heard the footsteps. "We have something important to show you. It has to do with your boyfriend. Hes... hes... with Rob. I see why you traded sides. I'm with you. He used to be my bestie. But now I have your back. Preston had to go to the hospital because he cut himself so badly... then he called Rob the one and he told him that he loved him." Brandon and Kenny both interchanged voices through the wording. I interrupted "Guys, I have an announcement. I know you guys are tired of working for me. And I'm truly sorry that I hurt you. I want you to be masters and defeat Preston and Rob. For betraying him. I know they think Lachlan is hurt and doesn't know anything that has happened between them but they are too late." They were wide-eyed. And I heard a suttle murmur of "Yes." "I now officially declare us friends." I told them.

* Lachlans POV *

    How could I have been so nieve, so stupid? "I'm going to go get a shower" I said to the group. I made my way up the stairs and turned on the hot water... it felt so nice up against my back.
    Then, I started to think. If I would've never moved here. None of this wouldn't of happened. But everything happens for a reason and some reasons I can't put my mind too. I felt like here, I was home. With no betrail. They seemed to love me and I loved them.
    I heard a knock on the door. I yelled that it was open. As some people may know, I don't usually lock the door. I felt the shower fling open, and before I knew it. Vikk was in there with me. I stared at him up and down. You remember when I said I hadn't seen Preston's package yet? Well, I must've mistaken my self for Vikk. He was much better than Rob. And from what I assumed... way better than Preston's.
    He looked over at the bluetooth, and turned it on... he held out his hand and asked if he could have a dance and I agreed. We started moving slowly to the music. I slowly leaned in and he did the same. Our lips touched for the first time. It was magical. I couldn't believe I fell in love with my kidnapper. The thing is, I wonder if anyone else is sharing this moment at this exact same time as us. Preston and Rob.... all I have to say is... despite your rivalry you too are a  perfect match...but Preston.. since you did what you did and lied to me saying you loved're too late.


Long chapter because I have a game tomorrow and if I post it'll be short. Do you guys like the short chapters or long chapters better? I can make more short chapters or less long chapters. Your choice! Anyway hope you don't hate me. I had to make a Vikklan moment. ;) Stay True my loyal subjects. Love you all very much. This is also dedicated to over 200 reads! I never thought that I would get this far. It means the world to me.
~Princezz 👑

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