Pinned and Confess

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*Robs POV*

   "Do you mind telling me why Vikk was here?" They looked at me very strange, almost frightened. Like I was going to hurt them. The thing is that I'd never hurt them, Vikk said he got what he was looking for and I didn't know what that meant. After what he had told me, I regretted everything. Killing people just wasn't me, and it made me feel like I just wanted to die.
     "Hello... answer." I still got no response. I clinched my fist and made a growling sound. They jumped even farther away from me. Finally, Lachlan spoke up. "He just wanted to drop off some food, he called and asked and I said sure." Pfft, ya right. Vikk wouldn't even know his number, since he threw his other phone out on the side of the road. I knew he was lying, but I just played along with it. "Oh, nice. Now mind telling me the real reason he was here?" Shit, that slipped. They seemed to ignore it.
    Preston changed the subject. "Where's Mitch and Jerome?" Uh oh. Crap. I must think of something really fast or I'm going to be toast. "Ummm...ummm... they had to fly home. Emergency call for another one of their friends." They frowned and looked like they new I was lying. "Oh nice, now mind telling us the where they really are?" Preston snapped. I got up off the couch really slowly. They started to head towards me very quickly. Before I knew it, I was tackled down to the ground by Preston. Maybe he did notice what I said earlier. But the thing was, I didn't mind being tackled by him. He held me down by the arms, I was pinned. There was no use getting up, but lucky for me, I like Preston so much I started to get turned on a little. "What the fudge dood, gross." "You didn't think it was gross the night of the plan."
    I could see the anger on Lachlans face. "Hold him tigher." He demanded to Preston. "Why?" "So I can have my turn." I guess Preston understood what Lachlan meant, and he tightend his grip on me. "Off, let me at him." Lachlan was on top of me along with Preston. Lachlan put one tight grip on my chest. I couldn't move. I felt something go across my nose. "This is for hooking up with my boyfriend." One punch. "This is for killing Brandon." Another one. "This is for killing Kenny." Another punch. "This is killing Mitch and Jerome." He hit me two more times. Then he got off of me and I got up. My nose was dripping blood.
     "I deserve it, I know I do." Lachlan tried to charge at me again, but Preston held him back. I felt very thankful. "Thank you" I mouthed. But he didn't answer. "Listen guys, I know that I was wrong, and I regret everything. If I could get my bestfriends back I would. It isn't like this was the plan, I planned to help Preston get you back. Then I started to fall for him, and I didn't want to save you. But when he seen you at the mall and you overheard our conversation about the hospital, he knew that you were the one. I was to jealous to realize how much he loved you. So I went and spoke to Vikk, more like he wanted to speak to me. Vikk new he loved Lachlan, I knew I loved Preston. I killed to try get you back, I've wanted you since we were kids. Since my dad killed himself, since my mom was shot. Why do you think I did all this stuff? Why is it that you won't listen to me. Preston I say this with all my heart, and Lachlan you can do whatever you want to me, but I love you. I need you. I don't know when you will realize that.
      I flinched expecting Lachlan to charge at me, but instead of charging he was crying. "What's wrong?" "That was beautiful. I never knew how much he meant to you. I should've never moved here, I should've let you two work your differences, and most importantly, I should've never got in between your love. I'm sorry." He started running out the door. "See what you did. He's running away." Preston started to charge out the door and I ran after him. But he stopped at the door and surprised me. He turned around and looked into my eyes.
     "Rob, I need to go after him, before I loose him again. But before I do, have this." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. I turned my head to where our lips touched. "And by the way Robby, It doesn't matter, I think it's sweet you killed for me. And I need to tell you one thing before I go." "What is it?" "I love you too." I was stunned and he was already out the door. I got what I was looking for. And I regret all decisions. I should've let nature come through, and now my bestfriends are dead. I have to get them back. Somehow.


A/ N hope you enjoy. Stay True my loyal subjects. Thanks for 700 reads it means so much I love you guys💖. Until next chapter. XD



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