It's working

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*Time skip to 3 weeks later*

*Robs POV*

   Haha. Drifting Lachlan away from Preston is the best plan I could've done. I kissed him in that restaurant 3 weeks ago to make Preston jealous. I wanted to show him my bad side. Preston and Lachlan have become so close. It breaks my heart. I want him to be mine. Seeing them loving on each other in class, it makes me absolutely sick. It's only a few weeks till summer break I need to do this now or never.


   My favorite period, fifth period. I can finally tell Lachlan how I feel about him. Did the jealously plan work or did it fall? I'm about to find out, I've been working up courage all week to ask him to this. My question is will he say yes?
    Lachlan was already sitting in our alley way, thank god. "Hey little Lachy!" "Oi, Rob-a-dob-flob." I managed to bring myself a little closer to him sitting criss-cross with our legs touching. I don't think he knows what I'm about to do. I started the conversation with "I have something important to tell you." He replied with a simple "Okay" I could tell he was blushing. This is was either gonna be the easiest thing I ever done or it could be the hardest ( Maybe later (; ).
    "So Lachlan, the night I kissed you was one of the best times of my life. I never really felt anything more special. I realized that once you came to this school, I wanted to be with you but there is something even more important I have to say. I don't know if you can tell but I have feelings for..."

*Lachlans POV*

    Before he could say anything I planted a kiss on his lips. I know I've been flirting with Preston and all but ever since that dream, I knew that Rob was the one. We pulled apart slowly. But he looked very shocked and started to run away. I thought that he had feelings for me too. I sprinted off after him and he kept going farther and farther. He ran into the nearest walmart that was a couple of blocks from the school. I texted Preston "I'll be at school soon, had to go to the store to pick up my moms medicine." He texted back almost immediately "Okay, I have a suprise you baby doll :)" Of course I was lying to him. I had too. He'd never talk to me again if he knew I was worried about Rob. What was the suprise he wanted to give me? I wonder.
    I searched and searched for Rob, no sign anywhere. I kept looking and heard a small voice. I knew who it was exactly... it was the one that got away. He was crying uncontrollably in the cactus section.. he was holding a teddy bear that must've came from the clearance bin. I kneeled beside him and asked him what's wrong. No answer
    A worker, who was actually pretty cute, came to me and and asked me to get rid of my friend, that he was disturbing to customers. "I will, I'm sorry" I said sincerely. "Thanks, he isnt the first one." "No problem, uhhhhh?" He had no name tag on. "I'm Vikk and you are?" "I'm Lachlan, and this is Rob." "Well, I hope to see you here again sometime Lachlan." He winked at me and I smiled. I helped Rob get up and we headed out of the store in silence.
     Eventually I got the courage to ask him again "What's wrong?" I asked. He finally replied. But it was shocking as to what was said.

*Back to Robs POV*

    "What's wrong?" Lachlan asked. I hesitated to reply but here it goes. "Lachlan what I was trying to tell you was that even though I kissed you and I enjoyed every single minute of it. I did it for all the wrong reasons." He looked at me puzzled. "What do you mean?" "I did because of jealousy.  Seeing you with Preston... just made me all depressed inside... I'm gonna say this in the best way I can... I did it because..." He keeps staring at me like a lost puppy. Boy he is making this hard. " I did it because.... I have feelings for Preston.... but i also have...." He started sprinting like I did ealier, before I could even finish my sentence. Great. I got myself in a raspberry now.
*Preston's POV*
    Lachlan came sprinting in like a maniac to 7th hour before I could even say anything. Right in front of everyone he kissed me. I kissed back of course. And he did the unexpected. "Preston I realized, that I wanna be with you I love you more than anything you are so sweet and uplifting." Did he just say he loved me? What made him realize that? "I have one question to ask you Preston." "Yes?" I replied. He got down on one knee and asked in front of everyone "Will you be my boyfriend?"


Long chapter because idk if I can post tomorrow. I'll try my best. Stay True my loyal subjects.
~Princezz 👑


Flowers and Chains AU  (Pooflan)Where stories live. Discover now