Big Plan Part 2

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  *Robs POV*

   "Okay guys, it's time to hear the deal. You know that we have to get Lachlan back. And apparently it's only us four. We have to find Kenny also. He could be anywhere in the world. And so could Lachlan. It's been a week and no sight of them what so ever." I tried not to cry, Lachlan was one of the guys I fell for, but the other one was standing right next to me.
    "What do we have to do?" Jerome asked in concern. "Honestly, these papers mean nothing." I ripped the papers up into shreds. "These are our friends we are talking about... if we want to save them... we save them with our hearts. Preston and I will be a team. Jerome, you're a team with Mitch. Change in to your workout clothes boys. If we want to save Lachlan and Kenny from wherever God knows they are... they could be on opposite sides of the world. We will do it together as a team. Let's go get buff."
     I went into Preston's bedroom to change, and he was in there too. I went over behing him and wrapped my arms around his waist, and put my head on his shoulder. He pulled away..  we just hooked up a week ago. It's probably because of Lachlan. "Rob, please. That was one night. And it's not going to be anymore. I told you I want to get him back and I will. I've been stressed enough, let alone you trying to hook with me again. Do me a favor, no more hookups please? (We will see about that (; ) I really just got rejected. The cute flower boy just got rejected by a Gothic kid, Robert Latsky will not get rejected. But I find I better keep it on the DL for a bit.
     It was gym time, only it was 1 in the morning. We headed out to the gym, only to find that it was closed. What dumb ass would think to come to the gym at 1? Those damn doodlebangers. "I've got this, my dad is a locksmith." Mitch revealed. "Jerome hand me my lock picky thing, you brought it didn't you?." Jerome nodded, and handed him a tiny piece of metal that looked like a flute screw driver. A few jerks and jiggles later...we were in and ready to go. Jerome, Mitch, and I were bantering amongst each other. Preston just layed on the press bench in silence. I asked if he needed spotting... but he shook his head no.

*Preston's POV*

    I don't think I can take this much more. I'll search all over the world if I have too I'm going to get my baby boy back even if it kills me. I don't care about Rob, Mitch, or Jerome they are here with me and are safe. I'm worried that Kenny and Lachlan are hurt and are being tortured. Brandon never returned a call, but I'm sure he's fine right? I kept thinking to myself that everything was going to be alright. I know it isn't.

*Jerome's POV*

  Okay, so I know this is a bad time of day or early morning I should say.. since of this huge Lachlan and Kenny disappearing deal and all.. but I had to ask Mitch an important question. We have lived together since we were fourteen and our parents died. None of our family would take us so we save up and got an apartment. I had been carrying his ring in my pocket since our flight here.
     "Ummm... guys. I know this is a bad time since we are strengthening and all but if we get killed I want to at least die happy. Mitch... I know we are young and all... but I've wanted to ask you this for a long time. We've lived together since we were 14...." I walked over to him and grabbed his hands, he blushed and his face was covered in sweat. "....I want to spend my life with you. So, Mitchell Hughes... will you do me the honor of marrying me?" He laughed and I got all flush eyed. "Isn't dating supposed to come before marriage?" He chuckled again. "I mean I guess.. its..." "shhhh.. you know how long I've been waiting for you to ask that? Yes Jerome. I will marry you." I did what I've wanted to do for a long time. I landed a kiss on his lips. With an "I ship it, Merome merome merome." From Rob. And an "Awwwww, I wish I could do that" from Preston. It was time to get to work. For hours we pumped rep after rep. This is actually a pretty big unplanned plan. We can get Preston his boyfriend back and his bestfriend. But it's gonna take all four of us. And all we need is some time.


    A/N- my trailer will be released soon on my instagram @ tbnrprincezz. I love writing this book and it isn't ended soon so yayyyy. Have another basketball game tomorrow but our season is ended next Thursday. Then it's off to track. Anyway, hope you all love the story. Stay True my loyal subjects. Come back to my Kingdom next chapter of Flowers and Chains AU  ( Pooflan) xoxo

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