Chapter Two

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"Now what am I going to do?" I get up and pace around the lounge.

"Relax," Ronnie says, "you don't even need a job."

"Yes, I do," I stop and approach him on the couch.

"Why? I have money," he gives me a look.

"Yeah, your money," I tell him, "I can't just freeload off of you all the time."

"We're married, Juliet."

"And if you die?" I give him a look.

"Wow, you're thinking the best for him," Ryan interrupts.

"I'm not going to die," he takes my hand and pulls me back to the couch with him.

We argue for a little while about the whole job and money situation, I totally forgot that I was now "famous" in the land of alternative kids.

"Wait," Ronnie quiets us, "did you all hear something strange?"

"No," I answer.

"I think I did," Derek says from across the plane.

We all quite down and listen for the strange sounds Ronnie was hearing.

"There it is again," Ryan points out.

"Guys, all I hear is the planes motor," I say.

"Sounds like a laugh?" Christian says.

Ronnie gives me a pained look and walks to the other side of the plane to investigate.

"I seriously don't hear anything," I say to Zakk, now sitting across from me.

"Same," he says, leaning back in his seat.

"Someone pour me a drink, I'm going crazy," Ryan announces.

"Hey babe," Ronnie shouts, "come here please."

"Coming!" Ryan gets up and runs to the back of the plane.

"Not you," Ronnie says, bringing him back into the lounge.

"I'm coming," I roll my eyes and follow him to the storage area.

"Guess what I found?" Ronnie asks.

"What?" I say, following close behind.

"Or I guess I should say who," he pulls me along through the plane.

Who? What does he mean who? Did he find a person?

"Willow?" I say, entering the storage room to find the little girl playing on the floor. "I thought she was with her mother?" I draw my attention back to Ronnie.

"Yeah, I did too," he says, kneeling down beside her.

"Hi dad," she says, wrapping her little body around his arm.

"Hi baby," he says picking her up, "where's mommy?"

"Home," she answers plainly.

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