Chapter Twelve

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It was now 7:00, the show should be starting soon. The first band to play is Falling In Reverse, let's see if Ronnie notices us.

"Hey," I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I turn to face a girl with pink hair in a Falling In Reverse T-shirt.

"Aren't you Juliet?" She asks me.

"Who?" I stare blankly.

"Ronnie Radke's wife?"

"Ronnie's married?" Danielle joins in on the conversation.

"Heeey," another girl in a Pierce The Veil shirt adds in. "You're Danielle."

"Who's Danielle?" She asks.

"Vic's girlfriend," they both become frustrated.

"Honey, if I was dating Vic, don't you think I'd be backstage?" Danielle says.

"And if I was married to Ronnie, don't you think I'd be back there too?"

"Fair enough," the pink haired one says, dropping the topic.

"Good job," Danielle discreetly high fives me.

"This is going to be fun," I say.

It's now 7:15 and Falling In Reverse has entered the stage in the darkness. The crowd is going wild.

The show opens with Coming Home. Watching Ronnie perform as an audience member was very different. It made me feel small, like I wasn't even apart of his world. I was just another fan.

Four songs went by; Coming Home, The Drug In Me Is You, Loser, The Departure, and God If You Are Above. Nobody on stage has noticed Danielle and I.

"This is crazy, huh?" She asks me.

"How do they not see us?" I ask.

"Beats me, but I'm still having fun."

Standing in the pit watching a rock band perform was exciting. I didn't care if I knew them or not, I was still enjoying the rush of a concert.

Falling In Reverse had officially played their last song and packed up their equipment. Ronnie didn't see me the entire time.

We were now waiting for Crown The Empire's roadies to set up.

"He never saw you, what the heck?" Danielle says.

"I know, how crazy," I say.

"Well, I've never seen Crown live, so I'm exited for that," she changes the subject.

"I am too," I say, examining the stage.

"I think Andy is coming onto you," Danielle grins and bumps my shoulder.

"Nah," I ignore the fact, "he can't be."

"He is, girly, I know how he can be," she explains.

"Yeah, Vic told me."

"Once he wants something, he will do everything in his power to get it," she begins to explain, "and what he wants-"

"Is me," I finish her sentence, "Vic told me that exact same thing."

"We know his games."

Crown The Empire has now taken the stage and grasped the audiences attention away from a flip flop being held up in the middle of the crowd.

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