Chapter Eight

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"So?" Vic meets me outside of the bathroom.

"Well," I start, "I'm not pregnant."

"Really?" His mood perks up. I honestly have no idea why he cares so much, but it's nice to know someone cares.

"Yeah, but how am I going to tell Ronnie?"

"You just tell him you're not pregnant, easy as that," Vic says.

"He's going to wonder when I had the chance to take a test between last night and now," I explain.

"Okay, so we tell him the truth."

"Yeah, but is he really going to be happy that I went out at three in the morning with Vic Fuentes?" I say.

"You know, Juliet," Vic begins to walk out to the car, pulling me along with him, "I don't think you should give him that much control over you. Yeah, you're married or whatever, but it's your life. You want to go shopping with Vic Fuentes at the crack of dawn just because? Then do it. Don't let him control you."

That was something that I should have taken to heart, but his words were just words to me, something I would soon regret in the future. When Vic Fuentes gives you advice, you listen.

"Where's Danielle?" I ask.

"Beats me," he says, opening the car door for me, "I think she said she was going to go visit family."

"Oh, she has family here?" I ask, buckling my seat belt.

"Yeah, that's why she wanted to come along. Usually she stays home during tours."

"Why?" I ask.

"It's easier that way, I guess," he explains, starting the car.

"I guess. Ronnie would probably feel better if I wasn't here."

"Nah, you're an angel," he brushes my cheek, "I can't see why anyone wouldn't want you here."

Is he flirting with me? Has he been flirting with me the entire night?

"Think he'll be mad when I get back?" I ask.

"If he lashes out just come by my room and I'll take care of you."

"I think I'll hang out with you a little longer, if that's okay with you," I say.

"No problemo," he says, "we'll go through all this shit we bought."

So that's exactly what we did. Vic and I sat on the floor in the middle of his hotel room, going through the stuff we bought. Board games, snacks, candles (which I insisted we get), gel pens, various makeup supplies, and so much more.

We had a blast, I wasn't ready to return to the real world and talk to Ronnie.

"So it's seven now," Vic reminds me as he adds lego pieces to his play set.

"Yeah," I say, creating a lego house to add to the play set.

"Are you going to go talk to him?" He asks.

"Probably," I say, ignoring the fact and building onto the play set.

"Can I have that?" Vic asks, pointing to a lego door next to my leg.

"No," I pick up the door, "I need it for my house."

"It's my city," he insists.

"There are no other doors," I say, "someone is going to come in and kill me in the night if I don't have a door."

"Yeah, that's going to be me if you don't give me the door," he says.

"You're going to kill me?" I grip onto the door.

"Juliet Radke, I am going to kill you in the middle of the night, when you're sleeping in your lego bed with all your lego friends watching if you do not give me that door."

"Fine," I hand him the door, holding in my laugh, "I think I'll just move into your house then."

"Fine," he says, attaching the door to his house, "but you get the shitty room."

"Why's it shitty?" I smile and watch him explain the lego house to me.

"See how this wall is red and this one is yellow? That's why it's shitty, it's like ketchup and mustard," he explains.

"You're a dork," I laugh.

"Says the one who just argued with me for five minutes over a lego door?" He laughs with me.

"I don't want to go back to my room," I lay back on the floor.

"Then don't," Vic says.

"But I probably need to sleep," I explain.

"We'll be able to sleep on the bus, you know that?"

"Yeah, but this is probably our only hotel stay for awhile. Do I really want to miss out on sleeping in a real bed?" I joke.

"You're right," Vic sets down his legos and begins to think logically, "I'll tell you what, go ahead and just sleep here. We can deal with Ronnie whenever the time comes."

"I'm not saying no to that," I throw myself onto the bed and get comfortable.

"I'll wake you up when it's time to load the buses," he says, giving me extra pillows.

"Thanks for taking care of me, I really needed this break from the tour," I say, staring up at the ceiling.

"Well, thank you for being a new part of my adventures."

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