Chapter Thirty Six

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I couldn't seem to get away from Andy for more than two seconds all night. I couldn't stand to be away for that long and he definitely wouldn't let me.

Andy and I decided to watch Falling In Reverse's performance from side stage. I had a new perspective towards Ronnie, and I was just praying to the gods that I didn't catch feelings for him again.

"Ronnie seems like he's feeling better," Andy points out, keeping an arm around me while I stand in front of him.

"Yeah," I look out at Ronnie, who is lost in his own world of music.

"You seem like you're feeling better too," he kisses the top of my head.

"I'm just happy to be back with you," I place my hands over his arm resting against my lower stomach. I felt safe again for the first time in a long time.

I blanked out through most of the performance. My thoughts were up in the clouds and I couldn't seem to get back down to earth. I woke up as soon as I heard my name come out of Ronnie's mouth.

"What?" I shake myself back into reality to find myself standing onstage next to Ronnie, looking out at the crowd.

"You all know about what's been going on, right? You'll meet Andy next, but first, Juliet is going to help me sing a little song," Ronnie forces me to stay on stage with him. I felt weak, faint. I didn't want to be the victim here though, so I took the mic and stole the show from him.

I sang all of Loser, by myself, as Ronnie watched from behind me. I came to the end of the stage and sang to fans, who were going crazy to see me so close to them. Did these people really care that much about me?

I understood exactly why they loved performing. The energy of the audience fed your inner performer. I felt amazing singing to all of those fans. I figured most of the FIR fans were not very happy about it, but the CTE fans absolutely loved me.

"If you call this winning, why do I feel like a loser?" I sing the last line directly to Ronnie before handing him the microphone again and walking directly offstage. I was always one for dramatic exits.

"What was that?" Andy catches me again backstage. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe.

"What did you see?" I avoid meeting his eyes with mine.

"Where did you learn to sing like that?" He asks, staring straight into my soul.

"Where did you learn to sing the way you do?" I push past him towards the doors. I had to get out of this building and catch some fresh air.

"This conversation isn't over!" He shouts back at me before I walk out the door.

For the first time all night I felt a wave of anxiety and hatred slam into my body. I hated Ronnie for being a musician and writing that song for me. I hated him for bringing me out on stage. I hated Andy for letting me go out onto that stage. I hated the fans for enjoying my performance. I hated the fans for not enjoying my performance. I hated everyone.

I was now alone in the dark parking lot. I couldn't seem to find my way back to the bus until an hour had passed of me searching. The bus was completely empty and I was alone. The show was almost over and I didn't want to deal with anyone, so I climbed into bed and shut my eyes. It didn't take long before the band was back on the bus and my sleep was interrupted.

I woke up a little less irritated than when I went to sleep. I just wanted to find Andy and stay close to him. The only problem was I couldn't find Andy.

"Hey, where's Andrew?" I managed to stumble into the lounge to meet the remaining four of Crown The Empire.

"Outside, talking to Bailey," Dave immediately jumps off his bar stool and proudly announces this to my face.

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