Chapter Twenty Five

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The next show was the best by far. There was no drama between anyone and I felt great.

Danielle and I remained side stage the entire show. We wanted to watch the performance, but we didn't really want to be apart of the audience this time. Ronnie seemed bothered by us hanging out at such a close proximity, but Andy and Vic absolutely loved it.

"Hey pretty girl," Andy kisses my cheek before walking out onto the stage.

"He sure is sweet," Danielle winks at me.

"I don't know what I did to deserve him," I think out loud, watching Andy take ahold of the audiences attention. My heart races every time I see him. I felt like a teenage girl again.

Crown The Empire was amazing live. I could watch them perform for hours if it was an option. I could also listen to Andy's voice all day.

"What's this song they're playing?" Danielle asks me, very interesting in what's happening on stage.

"I don't know," I say, listening closer.

"I love it," she says.

After listening to the song for awhile I realized that I loved it too. It was beautifully written and sounded like it had been performed by the gods. How have I never heard this before?

"We're Crown The Empire, have a great night," Andy signs off and signals the band to leave the stage.

"Hold on a minute," I grab Andy's arm as he's exiting the stage, "what was that?"

"What do you mean, princess?" He gives me a confused look, "did you not like the show?"

"No, I loved it," I smile to break his frantic look, "that song though, what is it called?"

"You gotta be more specific," he returns the smile and locks both of his hands with mine.

"I've been gone from this world for what seems like.." Danielle begins to sing.

"Millennia?" He finishes the lyric for her.

"Yeah!" I laugh, "that one."

"Yes, love, it's called Millennia," he explains to me.

"Why have I never heard it before?" I pretend to be mad, which ultimately fails. I can't help but smile every time I see his face.

"Because you don't listen to my music?" He kisses my cheek, "I gotta get going, sweetheart, enjoy the rest of the show."

"Wait, what album is it from?" I ask, watching him head backstage.

"The Resistance," he shouts back at me.

I guess I have to start listening to Crown The Empire. I mean, I have to keep up to date with his music if I'm going to enjoy these concerts more than I already do.

Watching Pierce The Veil perform was always a great time. Danielle eyes lit up like a little girl experiencing a sugar rush every time she looked at Vic. I adored their relationship, it gave me hope.

"Isn't Vic's voice like an angel?" Danielle leans over and whispers to me.

"Of course," I laugh, "Vic's a pretty cool guy."

"We need to go on a double date," Danielle suggests, keeping her eyes on Vic.

"I would love that," I watch her stare at Vic. They were definitely what I wanted to be.

The night went by faster than I expected. Watching three great bands perform almost every night? I was definitely living the dream. Touring was what I lived for, I couldn't imagine living a normal life.

Danielle and I met up with the guys after the show in the parking lot as the roadies loaded up the buses. Even in the dark, across a parking lot, Andy was still gorgeous.

"Oh my god, is that Andy Leo!?" I scream across the parking lot, and give Danielle a wink.

"Oh my god, Andy, I'm your biggest fan!" She shouts back, playing along with my stupidness.

"No, it's Pedro!" Andy shouts back, shoving Dave in front of him, "but this is David Escamilla!"

"Oh my god, Dave!?" I shout back to them.

"No, this is Patrick! We're just the roadies, Crown The Empire is in the other parking lot," Dave shouts to us.

"It's just Danielle and I," I step into the light and walk towards them.

"You scared the shit out of me, I didn't want to deal with fans," Andy meets me half way and picks me up off the ground.

"That's why I did it, baby," I joke, smothering my face in his shoulder.

"Hey, I'm here too, you know," Danielle interrupts us.

"Oh right," Andy sets me down on the ground and hugs Danielle, "good to see you again."

"It's only been a couple of days, chill out, Andrew," she laughs heads off to find Vic.

"So we had a grand idea," Andy begins to explain, leading me back to the buses.

"What's that?" I ask, squeezing his hand.

"The other two bands want us to come hang with them tonight on their bus. Sounds interesting to you?"

Yeah, but I'm a little bit pregnant, so I'm not sure that's such a great idea. I don't want to leave Andy and I sure as hell don't want to be on a bus alone, so I guess I have no choice.

"Yeah, sure," I say, keeping him close by my side.

"I'll take care of you, don't fret," he explains.

"We should just send Ronnie to our bus while we're gone," I joke pushing him along as we walk to the buses.

"Oh yeah? Make him sit out while the rest of us are having a good time?" He laughs with me.

"But then he'll probably sleep in your bed and then try to become you," I shove him to the side.

"Gosh, you're all feisty, huh?" He steps back from me. 

"Wait, come back," I reach my hand out to him.

"Remember how you thought Ronnie and I were alike when we first met?" Andy reminds me, keeping his distance.

"I was wrong," I say, stopping in front of the bus.

"Yeah, you were," he reminds me, returning to my side again.

"I was very wrong," I wrap my arms around him and breathe in the cold air.

"You know I love you, right?" He does? Since when?

"You do?" I freeze and feel my heart beat faster.

"Yes, Juliet," he laughs, "why would I just say that?"

"I don't know," I smile and reach up to kiss him.

"You know, you're a short little thing," he says, leading me onto the bus, where the rest of the guys were at.

"And hey," I stop him before reaching the back of the bus, "I love you too."

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