Chapter Twenty Nine

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"She can't continue this tour, she just went through a major procedure," I hear Andy tell Ronnie as I pretend to sleep. They were outside on the balcony of the hotel room, but I could hear them clear as day. Ronnie refused to let me be alone after everything that has happened, so he's been in our room.

"If she's going home, I'm going with her," Ronnie says, "she is still my wife and he is still by son."

"You have a job to do, you can't just leave the tour," Andy argues.

"I can't just leave the tour for my wife who just delivered our dead child?"

Andy felt like he couldn't compete with Ronnie, so he never tried to during my pregnancy. Now that I was no longer pregnant and Ronnie was no longer attached to me by blood, Andy was stepping up.

"No," Andy fights, "first of all, you two are getting a divorce, and second of all, she's mine now. If anyone is going to leave this tour to be with her, it's me. We can't afford that though, if she's going home, she needs to go home alone."

"Then she needs to stay on this tour with us," Ronnie argues with him.

"She's too fragile right now, she can't do it," Andy tries to make a statement, which isn't going very well.

"She also can't be alone, hot shot, so if you're going to send her home, let me go with her," Ronnie says.

"It's late, Ronnie, we just need to figure this out in the morning," Andy takes a deep breath and tries to end the argument.

"Fine, but I'm not leaving this room until I know she is okay," Ronnie says, entering the room again.

"If you insist," Andy follows him into the room.

"I don't care if we're getting a divorce, I will always love her," Ronnie hisses at him.

Did he really say that? He would always love me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My heart screamed knowing Ronnie felt this way about me, because we were done and there wasn't much we could do to fix it.

"I love her too, so," Andy contradicts him.

"I don't think you could ever compete with me on this one, kid," Ronnie laughs a kind of laugh I've never heard before.

"Watch me," he continues to argue.

"I've known her for years and years. You've only known her for a month. I'm her husband, you're-"

"You know," Andy hisses, "I wish you'd stop calling yourself that. You think you can get a divorce and continue to call that person your spouse? That's not how it works."

"Oh my god, both of you, shut the hell up," I finally intrude, rolling over to face the wall.

They stopped talking all together from that point. I could hear faint whispers, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. It was only a matter of time before I was passed out again.

I couldn't believe how long I slept, it only felt like a few hours. Fans were going crazy trying to gain information from Andy and Ronnie's social media accounts. This has definitely blown up in the time I was sleeping. I woke up the next night, alone in the same hotel room. I had slept for an entire twenty six hour period, but I was still incredibly tired. I felt lost and very, very depressed.

I forced myself to take a shower and at least try to look like I didn't just wake up from the morgue. My eyes were bloodshot and I was thin. My stomach felt weak, but I wasn't hungry. I couldn't even imagine eating. I managed to get myself cleaned up in a short hour. I went from looking dead, to looking sick, so I took it as an improvement.

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