Chapter Thirty

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"There you are," Brandon greets Dave and I as we enter the cocktail lounge.

"Where did you two even go? You were gone for hours," Brent glances between Dave and I.

"The roof," Dave says, taking a seat next to Andy.

"We had a really long conversation," I add, taking the barstool next to Vic.

"You're looking a lot better," Vic says to me.

"I feel a little better," I fake a smile.

"I'm guessing you won't be sleeping tonight, huh?" He tries to lighten my mood with humor.

"No way, I slept through an entire day, I have so much to catch up on," I take Vic's cocktail and down it.

"I'm glad you're feeling better," he smiles at me.

It was four in the morning and most of the guys had gone to bed. The only people left at the bar was myself, Dave, Brent, Brandon, Vic, Andy, and Ryan. I was ready to let life back into my soul, I couldn't possibly sleep. I was feeling on top of the world again, but I knew it wouldn't last long.

"Hey," I head towards Andy and Ryan at the end of the bar.

"Juliet?" Ryan gives me a look.

"Yes?" I laugh, trying to keep my spirit up.

"You look good," he says, almost amazed.

"I'm glad to hear that." I smile and turn my attention towards Andy, "how are you doing?"

"I'm doing just fine," he looks past my face towards Dave.

"No, you're not," I tilt his chin and bring his eyes to meet mine, "what's going on?"

"Nothing you should be concerned with," he says, "you're dealing with a lot already."

"Okay, but everything that happened is now in the past, Andrew. I'm worried about you now," I explain.

"That's a little scary that you're able to just put a miscarriage into the past so quickly." His words burned into my heart and I couldn't help but flinch at the sound of his tone.

"Yeah, well, I'm trying to get past it, Andy. Of course I haven't recovered yet, but I'm trying. Now what's going on?"

"Juliet!" Our conversation is interrupted by Gerard bolting into the bar to meet us.

"Hey, Gerard, I thought you were off touring?" I greet him with a smile.

"Yeah, but I never got to say goodbye and I wanted to make sure you're okay. Are all the rumors true!?" He glances at Andy, then back at me.

"Yeah, queen bee over here has definitely made a name for herself in the past few days," Andy rolls his eyes. I knew something was going on with him and it killed me to not know what it was.

"Is he okay?" Gerard whispers to me, referring to Andy.

"I'll figure him out later," I say, "how long are you going to be here?"

"I checked in for the night. I was hoping to see you in the morning, I had no idea you'd be up this late."

"I slept for a little over a day, so I'm wide awake now," I explain.

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