Chapter Nine

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I woke up a few hours later, not sure where I was. It was now 11:30 am and the room was completely dark.

"Vic?" I sit up and examine the dark figure lying face down on the end of the bed.

"Vic," I kick his side.

"No," he mumbles.

"Vic, it's 11:30. The bus is loading soon."

"Just five more minutes," he rolls onto his side.

The buses loaded at 1:00 and both Vic and I haven't been seen since last night. What is everyone thinking?

"Vic, should I go find Ronnie?" I ask, getting out of bed.

"Geez, I don't know," he mumbles.

"Should I check my phone?" I say, picking my phone up off the nightstand.

"Not if you want to maintain a stress free day."

So I decided to check my phone. To my surprise, there were only two missed calls and a text message from Ronnie.

The first call was at 8:30 am.

Second at 11:14 am.

The text message read: We're leaving in two hours. You still need to pack.

So he isn't wondering where I am?

"Vic," I begin.

"What?" He finally sits up and comes to his senses.

"I don't think Ronnie cares about where I am."

"Of course he does," Vic says, "you're his wife."

"He called me a couple of times and left me a message saying I needed to pack for the bus. That's it," I sit down next to Vic on the bed.

"Okay, so go pack and see if he's in the room."

"And if he's not?" I ask.

"Then come back here," he says, "I'll help you get to the buses, this is your first major tour after all."

He's right. I've toured with Escape The Fate, but it was only them and the roadies. There's an entire bus just for crew on this tour.

"Yeah, okay," I pick up my things and head towards the door, "I might be back."

"Let me know. Hell, you can hang in the back of the bus with us if you want."

I walked down the hallways towards our room. I felt anxious about seeing Ronnie and I don't know why. I didn't cheat on him, so why do I feel bad?

"Ronnie?" I unlock the door and walk in slowly.

"Yeah?" He walks out of the bathroom, putting on a shirt.

"Hey," I set my bag down at the door and walk into the room.

"What's up?" He goes back into the bathroom.

"Not much," I say, not sure of what to do.

"Cool," he says, going on as if I wasn't here.

"Are you good?" I ask, meeting him in the bathroom.

"Sure," he says, running his fingers through his hair.

"Why are you so quiet?" I impulsively begin to fix his hair for him.

Ronnie silently gives me a look of anger and disappointment. I couldn't stand his hostility anymore.

"Alright," I start, "stop with the silence and tell me what's on your mind. You're being distant."

"Where the fuck were you?" He finally says.

"I was waiting for you to ask. I went shopping with Vic," I explain.

"Why didn't you tell me, Juliet? I didn't want to sound crazy or anything so I didn't call. You gotta let me know if you leave so I don't think you were somehow murdered in the middle of the night."

"I'm sorry," I say, "I just wasn't thinking."

"It's fine," he rolls his eyes.

"It's not," I take his hand and pull him closer to me. "I should have told you where I was and what I was doing."

"So you just spent the night with Vic?" He pulls away from me.

"I slept four hours. We literally spent the night playing kid games and eating fruit snacks. That's it."

"Cool," he says, fixing his hair in the mirror.

"Ronnie?" I try to win back his attention.

"Go pack your things and take them to the buses. Have Vic show you where to go."

"Why can't you show me?" I ask.

"Because I'm busy," he gives me a look.

"Okay, well, I'm going to take your leather jacket too," I say, heading back into the room.

"No, you're not," he follows me.

"Why?" I turn and look at him.

"Uh, because it's mine?"

"Yeah, but I'm your wife," I argue.

"Your point?" He starts to loosen up.

"Well, I'm going to take your jacket because I'm your wife. As your wife, I am sad and miss my husband. Because my husband is mad at me, I'm going to take his favorite jacket because it smells like him and makes me happy, okay?"

"Listen, I'm sorry," he finally gives in, "I was just mad you didn't care to tell me what was going on. You're my wife, I give a shit about you."

"I know, babe," I say, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Like I said, nothing happened and you and I are both perfectly fine."

"Come here," he pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry," I bury my face in his chest. Everything felt right again. His touch was poisonous, it could change my thoughts in an instant.

"I know, baby," he runs his fingers through my hair, "it's okay."

"Also, I'm not pregnant," I add.

"Oh, thank god. We wouldn't have the time for a baby, shit, I barely have the time for Willow," he says.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"Danielle took her for breakfast. She said she was lonely and didn't want to wake Vic."

Imagine if she found me sleeping in the same bed as her boyfriend? I'd be dead.

"So she came by here?" I ask.

"Yeah, but don't get any ideas. She just brought me a coffee and listened to me bitch," he explains.

"Okay," I drop the topic, "can you help me pack?"

"Yes, but you're not taking my jacket."

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