Chapter Six

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The two bands hung around after the show and talked for awhile. Danielle, Willow, and I kept ourself entertained with a different conversation.

"That was incredible, Juliet," Danielle tells me.

"He wrote that song for me," I say.

"He loves you," Willow adds.

"Yes, he loves you," Danielle supports Willow.

"I know," I look over at him, "I don't know how I got so lucky."

"I say that every day," Danielle looks over at Vic.

I suddenly feel myself getting lightheaded and nauseous, "I'm going to run to the restroom really quick, can you watch Willow?"

"Sure," Danielle says, "are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, just a little headache, I'll be right back."

I find myself running down the hall to the bathroom and puking up my entire stomach. I felt absolutely awful.

"You sick?" A familiar voice says as I'm leaving the bathroom.

"No," I turn to face TJ Bell, my ex fiancé. "What are you doing here?"

"Thought I'd come see the show," he says.

"All the way in Canada?" I roll my eyes.

"Falling In Reverse is big," he explains, "I just wanted to see lover boy in action. You two were great during that one song."

"Lover boy?" I give him a dirty look. Don't call my husband that.

"Stop asking stupid questions," he hisses.

"Okay," I step up, "so why did you call my attention?"

"To say hi?"

"Okay, well, you've said hi, I'm leaving now," I start to walk back up the hallway.

"Or," TJ catches my wrist, "you could come back with us."

"Us?" I pull away.

"You know, Escape The Fate," he explains.

"Why would I do that?" I ask.

"Because it's been awhile and you haven't hung out with us."

"Let me think, party with my husband and friends, or hang with my ex's," I sarcastically debate.

"Why were you throwing up?" TJ changes the subject.

"Cause I ate something bad earlier," I roll my eyes again.

"Whatever," he steps back, "I hope you're not pregnant."

"I'm not," I hiss.

"I mean, not to burst your bubble or whatever, but if you were pregnant there's a possibility it could be mine."

"I'm sorry?" I take a deep breath.

"Juliet!" Vic calls from down the hall, "we've been looking for you, are you ready to head back to the hotel?"

"Yeah," I breathe heavily, trying to control myself, "tell them I'll be out there in a few minutes."

"All I'm saying is," TJ goes on, "you and I were 'in love' not too long ago, don't be surprised."

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