Chapter Twenty Four

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I felt my heart rate begin to speed up the second my alarm clock went off. It was now 2:30 am and we had to pack the buses.

I immediately got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom to check my appearance. I don't look pregnant, so things will be easier with the rest of the guys being that they don't know.

I left my room and went next door to see how Andy was doing. He seemed pretty happy when I left right now, so I'm not worried. Having a key to his room made me feel empowered.

"Andy, wake up," I head straight towards the bed in the darkness of his room to wake the king of sleep.

"No," he mumbles, rolling onto his side.

"We have to pack the buses, Andy, they can't just leave the lead singer behind," I insist, running my nails down his back.

"It's fine, Dave can cover for me."

Andy is probably the funniest person alive when he is tired. I felt bad for him, so I went ahead and took our stuff to the buses and let him sleep in a little longer.

"There's the little cupcake," Dave greets me as I enter the bus with a duffle bag around my shoulder and a suitcase trailing behind.

"Hey Dave," I greet him as I head towards the back of the bus.

"Where's your prince?" He asks me, referring to Andy's suitcase.

"I couldn't get him up, so I just brought our stuff down. I'll go back for him before we leave," I explain, setting our things down in the sleeping quarters.

"Don't mess with Andy when he's tired," a tired Hayden enters the back of the bus and throws his things down next to his bed.

"So I've heard," I say, "man, I've missed you guys."

"It's only been a day, cupcake," Dave ruffles my already messed up hair.

"It's been a hell of a long day," I add.

"Poor Juliet," Brad and Brandon enter the bus and join us in the back.

"She missed us," Dave tells the rest of the band.

"How cute," Brad teases, "where's the little man at?"

"Sleeping," Hayden answers.

"Don't we have to leave soon?" Brandon asks, looking at me for an answer.

"If you can't wake him, you give me a call and I'll come get him, alright?" Dave says, taking my phone and entering his number into it.

"I definitely will try that, 'King David The Great,'" I read his contact name back to him.

"Andy is a tough one in the mornings, but we know how to handle it," Hayden adds.

It was now 2:45 am and the buses were getting ready to leave. I acknowledged Falling In Reverse and Pierce The Veil as I walked by their bus, but I didn't stop to talk. I couldn't even bring myself to look at Ronnie.

The hotel hallways felt smaller and darker at this time. I don't enjoy walking through hotels by myself during midnight hours, I've had some bad experiences.

"Andy, it's time to go," I say, entering the hotel room.

"I can't," he mumbles, not moving from his place on the bed.

"You have to," I approach the bed.

"No," he hisses at me.

"Don't make me call in the big guys," I bite my lip and try to hold in a laugh.

"You wouldn't dare."

I called Dave and let the phone ring out loud. Andy still wouldn't budge.

"We have a situation?" Dave answers in an official tone.

"Roger that, King David," I joke, waiting for Andy to move.

"Alright, cupcake, we'll have our team there in five. What sector?"

"Sector 507 at the end of the hall," I guide Dave and the rest of Crown to the room.

"Roger that, cupcake, on our way," he hangs up the phone.

"You didn't," Andy mumbles half asleep.

"I did," I laugh and turn on the lights.

Andy is very difficult to deal with when he is tired. I probably could have handled him on my own, but I'd like to see Dave's way of handling it.

"Ooh, your friends are here," I respond to the knock on the door.

"Don't you dare let them in," he screams into his pillow.

"Alright team," I say, opening the door for Dave, Hayden, and Brandon, "you know what to do."

"Oh, Andy," Dave heads straight for the bed with Hayden and Brandon close behind.

"Just continue the tour without me," Andy says, not moving from the bed.

"Why would we do that?" Hayden adds, "we love our little Andy."

All three guys quickly lifted Andy from the bed and proceeded back down to the buses with him in their arms. Andy didn't complain as much as I thought he would.

I did a quick sweep of his room and my own room before heading back down to the buses. All four buses were packed and ready to go, waiting on our bus.

"There you are, cupcake, let's get this show on the road," Dave greets me as I enter the bus.

"Where's Andy?" I enter the lounge and join the rest of the band at the bar.

"He's in his bunk," Brandon says, sliding me a shot.

"Isn't it a little early to be drinking?" I say, sliding the shot back to him. I can't be drinking, I'm pregnant.

"Suit yourself," Brent says, taking my shot off the bar and downing it.

"Prince Charming didn't even put up a fight this time," Brandon explains, giving us all a cheesy grin.

"He's had a long day," I remind myself.

"How?" Hayden interrupts, "didn't you two just sleep all day?"

"Sleep?" Brent gives Brandon a look and starts laughing.

"Yes," I give them a dirty look, "we literally slept all day."

"Then where did you go? I saw you two took a rental somewhere," Dave interrogates. He knows we were up to something.

"We went to get pasta," I lie. They can't know we went to the hospital. They can't know I'm pregnant, not yet.

"Why pasta?" Brandon asks. They all begin to interrogate me about our night.

"I wasn't feeling good and wanted pasta. Andy took care of me, that's it," I say, hoping off the bar stool.

"Where ya going, cupcake?" Dave asks me as I head out of the lounge.

"Gotta check on my love bug, make sure he made it through the night," I joke, heading to the sleeping quarters.

"Hey baby girl," Andy greets me as I crawl into his bed.

"Shoot, did I wake you?" I snuggle into his arms.

"No, mamas, I've been up since they brought me here. I'm just exhausted," he explains, kissing my forehead.

Andy and I were both out again within seconds. Here with him, this was my favorite place on earth to be. Our next stop is in Winnipeg. The Canadian part of this tour was close to the end, so let's see what kind of trouble we can stir up while it lasts.

Tragic Magic II World TourOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora