Chapter Twenty Two

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"No," I stand and move closer to Andy, "no, that isn't possible."

"You keep getting sick, you definitely are gaining weight, and your mood has been different, according to the other guys. I think that's the only option," he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"That isn't possible, I took a test, Vic was there," I try to explain. There's just no way.

"Sometimes those tests aren't accurate, Juliet," he tries to keep me calm while addressing the situation. "I'm going to take you to a hospital, alright?"

"The hospital?" I give him a confused look, "isn't that for emergencies?"

"Sweetheart, this is an emergency. If you're pregnant, it's definitely been inside of you for longer than you think," he moves to the other side of the room and picks up his wallet and keys to the rental car.

"What do I do?" I follow him around the room, feeling weak when I leave his side.

"I'll take care of this," he says, kissing my forehead, "as long as you listen to me and the doctor, everything will be fine."

The drive to the hospital was awful. The thought of me being pregnant just made me feel sicker than I already was. No matter how many breaths I took, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I didn't understand how I could be pregnant, though. I hadn't gained much weight, my stomach looks like a normal stomach.

Those thoughts faded as soon as the results were brought to me.

Andy and I waited in the hospital room for what seemed like forever. He didn't speak very much, he just sat there, scrolling through his phone. I felt like everything was my fault, and honestly, it was.

"Mrs. Radke?"'the nurse says, entering the room. Andy flinches every time he hears people address me as Mrs. Radke.

"Yes?" I answer, kicking my feet at the edge of the hospital bed.

"Your test came back positive, you're pregnant," she explains, scribbling on a clipboard chart.

"I am?" I ask, glancing at Andy as the color drains from his face.

"Yes," she looks up from her chart, "and it appears that you're a little further into your pregnancy than we though. We are going to set you up for an ultra sound."

I've been pregnant for awhile then. The real question is how long, and is TJ's theory really true? Could this be TJ's baby? I couldn't collect my thoughts for more than a minute. Everything was happening too fast.

"Would you like to know the gender?" The nurse asks me, looking up at a monitor while running the ultrasound device across my stomach.

"Yeah," I say, glancing at Andy who is still very disturbed.

"It's a baby boy," she says.

I'm pregnant with a little boy? How could this be happening?

"Can you tell how far along I am?" I ask the nurse, shocked that these words are coming from my mouth.

"Four months," she analyzes the computer screen, "everything looks normal, but you're a little underweight."

Four months. That means it couldn't possibly be TJ's baby. I've been with Ronnie longer than four months.

"Obviously, why am I not showing yet?" I ask.

"It's not uncommon for women to not show any signs of pregnancy during the first few months. Just take it easy for the remainder of your pregnancy and both you and your baby will be fine," the nurse says, exiting the room. Andy looked like he was going to pass out if he heard any more.

"So," he starts to say, not sure of what his next words will be.

"I know," I cut him off.

"You're really pregnant," he adds.

"I know," I say once again.

"What do we do now?" He asks, looking into my eyes.

"I can't tell Ronnie," I say immediately thinking about the consequences.

"You have to," Andy says, "Ronnie has a right to know, doesn't he?"

"It's not like I'm showing anyways," I say, jumping off the hospital bed.

"Yeah, but eventually you will. You need to tell him soon, Juliet," he says, walking me out of the room. 

Andy and I walked through the hospital with a taste of fear in our hearts. What was going to happen next? I don't want to be attached to Ronnie Radke, now I'm stuck with him forever.

"You still want to be with me after all of this? Because if you don't, I understand-" I begin to ramble as Andy leads me out to the car.

"Juliet," he stops me and grabs ahold of both of my wrists, "I don't care. I don't care if you're pregnant, I don't care if you're dying, I don't care if you're a psycho lunatic. I still want to be with you."

"I'm sorry," I apologize without any reason.

"Don't be sorry, Julie, shit happens."

He was right. I was pregnant and there was nothing I could do about it. Ronnie isn't going to like this, but I don't care anymore. It was time for me to stop denying the truth, I had to take care of myself and this baby.

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