Chapter Forty Eight

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Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. Not like those cool scenes in movies when the hero is slowly walking out of a burning building, but like those nightmares when you're trying to get to the other side of a room, but you just can't run no matter how hard you try.

I walked down that empty hallway slowly, listening to the slow click of my heels with every step. TJ kept a firm grip on my hand and walked with me at an even pace. I felt like I was walking into my own funeral.

I walked into the room first, immediately greeted by an awake Ronnie.

"There's my wife," he says. I can't tell if he's joking or not.

"Hey Ronnie," TJ walks in behind me.

"Why are you here, Bell?"

"We needed to talk to you," TJ wraps an arm around my waist. I can feel my blood run cold.

"What is it, my love?" Ronnie ask. He's acting as if nothing has changed in the past few weeks.

"Don't call me-"

"Where's your ring?" Ronnie interrupts.

"Gone," TJ says, "just like the love she has for you." I can tell TJ's having fun antagonizing Ronnie, but I'm not.

"What did you want to talk about, Juliet?" Ronnie rolls his eyes, obviously annoyed with TJ.

"I-uh," I felt intimidated by Ronnie's stare. I couldn't breathe.

TJ grabs my arm and leans into my shoulder, "Remember what we talked about?"

"Let me guess," Ronnie says, "you two have decided you want to be together again?"

"Sure," TJ answers, "but that's not why we're here."

"Then what is it?"

"Ronnie," I take a deep breath, "I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to ruin our marriage."

"Now that it's over and there's obviously no chance of us ever being together again, tell me," he stares at me, unamused.

"The baby wasn't yours, Ronnie."

He looks down at the palms of his hands and laughs. He then focuses his attention on TJ. "You better watch your back, pretty boy."

"Or what?" TJ antagonizes, "you'll shoot me?"

Ronnie drops the smile and gives TJ a cold stare. "I'll shoot her," he turns and looks at me, "I'll finish what was started."

My heart stopped and my stomach began to turn. Never in my life have I been so afraid of someone I thought I loved.

"I think we should go now," I pull TJ's arm back.

"Just remember," TJ leans towards Ronnie, "I won, you lost."

I pulled TJ along as I rushed out of the hospital room. I felt weak, I felt like I was going to pass out. I guess it was a good thing we were in a hospital.

"Why did you make me do that?" I shoved TJ back from me.

"Relax, babe," he pulls me back to him, "I was just making sure you and Ronnie were really over. Can you blame me for having trust issues?"

"I guess not," I continue to walk beside him, "do you think he was serious?"

"About shooting you?" TJ laughs, "No. He isn't going to do anything."

I felt uneasy about the whole situation. I was tired of all the drama, I was ready to have a family and be happy. Maybe this was just an impossible task with rockstars. Women dream of getting the chance to date TJ Bell, marry Ronnie Radke, and live with Craig Mabbitt. Why am I not satisfied?

"TJ, do you still want to marry me?" I ask as we drive back to the house.

"Of course I do," he glances at me, then back at the road.

"I don't want to keep going on like this," I say.

"Like what?"

"Like the way things have been," I take a deep breath. "There are women who dream to have my life. Sometimes I forget that you are a musician and you are famous. Sometimes I forget everyone is. I just think, 'hey these are my friends and this is my ex-fiancé.'"

"What's your point?" He glances at his phone to check the time.

"I don't want TJ Bell I want TJ Bell."

He laughs, "you drive me crazy, Juliet, do you even know what you're talking about?"

I sigh and take a minute to collect my thoughts. "I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't want you because you are this crazy rockstar. I want you because you are my best friend. I don't want the TJ that girls are crazy about, I want the TJ that I fell in love with at a bar years ago. The TJ without the glam and money."

"I get it," he takes my hand, "I think maybe not now, but later on we should reconsider that wedding."

"We'll do it right this time."

"And maybe you'll consider coming back home?" He glances over at me.

"I guess it wouldn't be right for me to stay at a house where my ex-husband and I lived," I sigh.

"Would it be right to stay with your ex-fiancé?" He jokes, but I knew that's what he wanted.

"Not if he isn't my ex-fiancé anymore."

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