Chapter Forty Four

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I had to get TJ out of my head. He wasn't doing anything good for my relationship. He's so darn cute but- no. I have to focus on Ronnie. I love Ronnie. He's my best friend and my soulmate. But I feel a certain way when I think about TJ. No, keep him out of your head.

I parted ways with Escape The Fate, allowing them to stay at my house and long as they would like and headed to the hospital. I had to see Ronnie again.

My legs ached as I drove through town. I forgot I was recovering from this as well.

Making my way to Ronnie's room through the hospital was a breeze. I felt like I knew these halls better than half the staff by now. I was just excited to see my husband again, I didn't even knock first, I just let myself in.

"Hey babe, I just came to-" I stop myself as I see Ashley laying next to Ronnie. "You're kidding me." 

"Wait," Ashley throws herself off the bed as fast as she can, "please don't tell Craig."

"Don't tell him what? That you're cheating?" Ronnie adds. Ashley is turning red like the blood I'm about to spill in this hospital room.

"After all of this, really? Is this a joke?" I felt my heart finally drain all of the love I had for Ronnie onto the floor.

"What do you want me to say? It's been over for a long time," Ronnie says, almost mocking me.

Without hesitation I ran out the door. Or at least sped walked the best I could with two shot up legs. I was half way down the hallway when I heard Ashley call my name.

"Wait, Juliet!"

I stopped and turned towards her, "What, Ashley?"

"Please don't tell Craig," she begins to sob.

"That's funny, I think he's actually on the second floor right now with Robert?" We exchange a glance before I dart towards the elevator, her chasing behind me.

"Wait, please!" She cries.

I frantically pressed the button until the door closed with her trapped on the wrong side. We were on the seventh floor, she had quite a ways to go down the stairs.

I limped through the hallways until I finally reached Roberts room, containing every member of Escape The Fate.

"Robert? Are you feeling better?" I greet Robert before spilling the tea to Craig.

"Yeah," he coughs, "I think I'll be out in the next few days."

"Just in time for our wedding? Oh, I mean our second wedding." TJ snickers. Robert gives TJ an angry glance.

"Not now," I punch his arm. "Craig I need to talk to you right now."

"Okay?" He gives me a confused look, "what's this about?"

"It's your wife. Ashley is about to burst through those doors and call me a li-"

"Wait, Craig, shes lying!!" Ashley comes bursting into the room, clearly out of breath.

"What is it, Ash?" He exchanges glances between the both of us.

"She's lying about Ronnie!"

"She didn't say anything about Ronnie," Craig looks at me, obviously hurting.

"Oh," Ashley catches her breath.

"What's going on?" Craig turn to me for help.

"I came to see Ronnie and found Ashley laying in bed with him," I explain to Craig while Ashley sweats.

"Is that true?" Craig asks Ashley.

"No, baby, why would I ever-"

"What a fucking liar," Vic enters the room, "I was in the next room waiting to be discharged and I heard the whole thing going down."

"Vic, you're okay," I reach my arms out for him.

"It's been a rough week, I'm just glad everyone is okay," he gives me a warm embrace.

"So..?" Craig stares at Ashley in shock.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"You have ten seconds to leave this room," Kevin joins in. "I'm not afraid to kick a girls ass."

"Craig!" She screams.


"I didn't do anything!!"


Ashley lets out a loud cry before running out the room and down the hallway. I pray I never see her again.

"I'm sorry, Craig, I really am," I wrap my body around his arm.

"It's alright," he stands there numb, "at least we won't be going through the divorce process alone."

"So you both are really ending things?" Robert asks from his bed.

"Yeah," we both say, exchanging a look and a sigh of relief.

"Hey, back off, pal," TJ jumps in between Craig and I, "I called dibs first."

"Oh, don't worry," Craig steps back. "We were never compatible anyways," he gives me a wink.

TJ quickly clung to my side as if nothing had changed since we called off our wedding. "So now that you're almost single, do you wanna meet me for dinner?"

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