Chapter Forty One

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Every person has an end. Everyone has to die some day. For some people, the end is calm and quiet. For others, the end is painful and terrifying. Life is such a precious gift that can be taken away so quickly.

I woke up in a hospital room this morning. I couldn't feel a single muscle in my body, everything was relaxed. I wasn't sure how long I had been here but everything was blurry.

"You're awake," a voice startles me from the corner of the room.

"Where's Ronnie?"

"He's in the west wing of the hospital," TJ tells me, getting up from his chair in the corner and coming to my bedside.

"Why?" I couldn't really comprehend anything. Words sounded strange and everything was fuzzy.

"He's, uh," TJ stumbled with his words.

"He's what?"

TJ gives me an uncomfortable look. He begins to explain but is immediately interrupted by a doctor.

"Mrs. Radke?" She enters the hospital room and closes the door behind her. "I'm Dr. Sanchez, I came to talk to you about your-"

"Is Ronnie okay?" I ask her before she could say another word.

"I need to talk to you about your heath first," she says, scanning her clipboard. "You have a bullet lodged in your left thigh. It entered through your right hip and traveled into your left thigh where it is now."

"But what about Ronnie?"

"We need to take you into surgery. Your X-Ray and CT scans show that there is no visible damage to your central nerves, but we need to remove that bullet before it causes more damage."

I felt panicked. I needed to find Ronnie, I needed to know he was okay. I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't think. I just knew I needed to get to Ronnie.

"Juliet, your health is more important than anything else," TJ explains to me.

"But I need to know if he's okay," I say.

"Mrs. Radke," the doctor explains to me, "your husband is suffering from multiple gunshot wounds in his abdomen, shoulder, and chest. He is in critical condition and is currently in surgery. Right now, I need you to worry about yourself. We will do our best to take care of him, you need to take care of you."

"But he-"

"Juliet, stop," TJ says, "you need to worry about yourself."

I can't. I can't worry about just myself. Ronnie could die and I can't just stand by and let it happen.

"Who else is hurt?" I ask TJ.

"You don't need to worry about that right now, Mrs. Radke. It's time to go," the doctor says.

In no time at all, I was lying on the surgical table with six strangers in masks looking down on me. All I could think about was Ronnie.

"Mrs. Radke," a man says, placing an oxygen mask over my face, "count back from ten for me."





Darkness. All I could see was darkness and a familiar voice in the distance. It was scary and dark and I felt like I was drowning. I felt empty and lost.

"Where are you?"

"Who said that?" I ask the voice.

"Me." Ronnie glowing, far away in the black hole.

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