Chapter Eleven

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It was a sold out show tonight. The two bands were absolutely pumped up for the show.

It was time to do a sound check, three hours before the show starts, and there are already fans lined up at the doors.

I was in a room backstage with Willow and Danielle while the guys were on stage, surrounded by roadies and designers preparing the stage and the stars.

"Hey," a voice calls from behind us.

"Hi?" I turn to greet a man with dark eyes and hair, not quite covered in tattoos, but still having a good amount.

"Wow," he stops and stares at both Danielle and myself, "you two are quite beautiful in person."

"Thanks," Danielle says, glancing over at me.

"Is this Radke's daughter?" He asks, referring to Willow.

"Yeah," I say, "how do you know who we are?"

"Oh," he looks around and realizes he is alone, "I guess I should have introduced myself. I'm Andrew, call me Andy. I'm sure you would have been less confused if the rest of my party was here, but I guess they made their way to the stage already."

Crown The Empire I assume.

"Well," Danielle speaks up, "I'm glad you all made it here just in time. The rest of Crown is already out there?"

"They were behind me a second ago," he says.

"Right," I say, "do you know where you're going?"

"If I knew where I was going, I wouldn't be here, would I?"

Danielle and I exchange looks. Andy was definitely going to be a handful this tour.

"Follow me," I say, leading him down the hall towards the stage.

"I've seen pictures of you, but I'm not sure who you are," he says, following close behind me.

"Juliet," I say.

"Juliet? That's a pretty name fit for a pretty face," he flirts.

"Right," I continue to walk down the hall.

"I'm assuming you've never heard of us before this tour," he continues to make conversation with me.

"No," I say, "but from what I've heard, you are pretty good."

"Favorite song?" He asks.

"Well," I explain, "I haven't heard much, but from what I have heard, I think I like The Fallout most."

"Ah," he grins, "I guess tonight we'll sail to the edge of the world?"

He must be the singer, his voice matches perfectly.

"And watch the stars fall down?" I play along.

"You're funny," he says, "I like you."

"I like me too," I say, leading him on stage.

"There you are," one of the Crown The Empire members greets him.

"Sorry, David, this wonderful lady over here was giving me a tour," he explains.

"Ah," the man approaches me, "I'm Dave."

"Juliet," I shake his hand.

"I'll be seeing you later, Juliet," Andy says, "thank you for showing me around."

"You're messing with fire, baby girl," Vic walks past me and whispers.

"Wait, what?" I catch his arm and pull him back.

"Don't fuck around with Andy Leo," he explains, "that boy will do everything in his power to get what he wants."

"Okay?" I give Vic a look.

"And what he wants is you."

"No?" I look around at all the musicians on stage.

"Yes, Juliet, I've seen it before. Just don't get Ronnie into it," he says, pushing past me and joining the rest of the musicians on stage.

Cool first impression of Crown The Empire. Dave seems angry all the time and Andy sounds like he wants to be a free spirit but can't seem to grasp what a free spirit is. As for the rest of the band, I guess we'll find out.

It was now 6:15 and doors were going to open soon. The musicians finished prepping and everyone was now backstage waiting for the crowd to arrive.

"I have a good idea," Danielle pulls me aside.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Wanna be apart of the audience tonight?" She asks me.

"Like stand in the crowd?" I give her a look.

"Yes," she says, "come on, it would be fun. When was the last time you got to be in the audience?"

She has a point. Would they even notice if Danielle and I disappeared?

"Fine," I agree to go along with her, "but let's not tell the others. I want to see if they will notice us."

"Sounds like a plan," she says.

"So how will we get out of here without drawing attention?" I ask.

"We draw attention," she grins.


"Attention everyone," she stands up on a chair and calls to everyone, "Juliet and I are picking up food at the Sonic next door, does anyone want anything?"

"I'll have whatever Juliet's having," Andy says.

"Same?" Ronnie gives Andy a look.

"Mozzarella sticks, please," Ryan announces.

"I want an ice cream," Vic adds.

"Also keep in mind that we will be eating after the show, guys," Danielle explains.

"Oh, just kidding then," Ryan says.

"I still want whatever she's having," Andy says, once again.

"Okay, see ya'll soon," I say, pulling Danielle along with me.

"Not soon enough," Andy adds.

I'm surprised Ronnie hasn't said anything. Maybe he's too focused on the show to care.

"So we want to be seen by them right?" I ask Danielle as we walk to the pit.

"Yes," she says, "we want to be as close as we can get. The audience isn't in yet, so we will have plenty of time to get good spots."

"You think they'll see us?" I ask.

"They have to. They always pay attention to the front row."

Tragic Magic II World TourWhere stories live. Discover now