Chapter Sixteen

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"You have got to be fucking kidding me," I can hear Andy say as Vic and I enter the restaurant again. Everyone was standing around the table, getting ready to leave.

"Shit," Vic whispers to me.

"You have no place in this, so just get out of the picture," Ronnie argues with him, moving in closer.

"Andy?" I approach the table and try to calm the situation.

"Well look who's back again, what's going on, sweetheart?" Ronnie greets me in a mocking way.

"Why don't you get out of the picture?" Andy hisses back at him.

"Because I was here first, duh," Ronnie mocks him.

"Yeah? You treat her like shit, she doesn't even want to be around you," Andy gives him a dirty look.

"She's my wife," Ronnie approaches Andy, getting very close.

"For now," he steps up to Ronnie, fueling the tension.

"Andy!" I call again, wrapping my arms around his torso from behind and pulling him back.

"Forever," Ronnie says, shifting his death glare from Andy to me.

"Then why is she with me and not you?" Andy asks, wrapping his hands around my arms.

"Why's that, Juliet?" Ronnie asks me.

I couldn't find an answer. I pressed my forehead against Andy's spine and kept silent. I just wanted to disappear.

"You're not shit, baby girl," Ronnie adds, now targeting me.

"She is to me," Andy fights back for me.

"I see," Ronnie says, backing away.

"Come on, this is pointless," I say, dragging Andy back.

"He needs to chill," he says, not resisting my pull.

"He will," I say, letting go and walking along towards the door.

"Until then you're not leaving my side," Andy says, following close behind me.

"I wouldn't dream about it," I tell myself.

"And even after then, you're not leaving my side," he lets his anger get the best of him.

"How would you feel if I went back home?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"What do you think that will help? You'll be alone and eventually Ronnie is just going to come back and you and I will probably go our separate ways. I don't want to go out separate ways," he argues, almost yelling at me.

"I don't know, mostly everyone on this tour hates me," I explain, staring down at the ground.

"When did Ronnie become everyone?"

"I don't know, I just feel uneasy about this tour," I admit.

"Just relax and stick with me, it'll be okay," he calms down and pulls me close to him.

"Then what do I do when you decide to change?" I feel my anger towards Ronnie boiling up and coming out onto Andy.

"I'm not going to change, Juliet," he says, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

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